Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Day

On the eighth day of Christmas...


Everyone was disappointed when we saw the forecast on the evening news. Forks was expected to be in the low 60s and that wasn't enough for snow.

Who wants to celebrate Christmas without snow? Even more so hen you've grown up having it for every Christmas that you could remember? It was blasphemy. Especially since we have a special family tradition during Christmas.

After we ate breakfast and opened presents, we'd bundle up and each found our own territories before the snow fight began. It was every man, or woman in my mothers case, for themselves. They are legendary and it's simply not Christmas without it.

It was pretty awesome the one year Mom had gotten Emmett on the side of his head. He'd fallen down dramatically of course, but when he realized that Mom had hit him and caused him to lose the game, he'd lost it. He's been declaring a rematch ever since. Mom just loves taunting him.

It's the one thing she can beat him at.

I had really wanted to share the experience with Bella this year. Between her moving and traveling, and our time away at college; she still has not seen it snow in Forks.

She'd moved here from California where her Mom had moved to when she was just a baby, and during the holidays she would go visit Renee. It always snowed when she left, and she came back when it was nearly mush and not really much fun to play in.

Plus with us attending the University of Southern California, she didn't stand a chance of seeing it snow. We as a group, decided to get out of Washington for something with a drier and warmer climate. Most of our graduating class went to Washington State and the University of Washington and a few went cross country.

Once we'd found out where people were applying, we all applied to USC and never regretted the decision.

Even though we majored in completely different areas, we still managed to spend time together. Emmett decided to major in Physical Therapy when he'd broken his arm during junior year of high school. He wanted to help people the way he'd been helped.

Rosalie majored in Business and has talked about opening a car shop where they restore classic cars and fix cars. She and Emmett spent a good deal of time fixing cars in high school and she'd gotten Emmett to take early college courses in Mechanics.

Jasper decided to study Law and be the best damn lawyer he could be. He's seen lawyers not do their jobs right and hates how innocent people are put in jail just because they thought their client was guilty. It's disgusting how the courts work.

We were never shocked when Alice told us what she wanted to major in. She wanted to major in Design and minor in Photography. The little pixie was pretty damn good at both so we knew she'd go far once she graduated and started living her life after college.

Bella and I were the most predictable when we told the gang our plans. Bella would study Communication and Journalism and I would major in Music. We were both passionate in what we chose and couldn't think of doing something else for the rest of our lives.

When the news was over, my family and friends started reminiscing about the legendary snowball fights we'd had. It was greatly disappointing that over these past few years, we never held a good snow. I was hoping that this would be the year that Bella would finally get the white Christmas she's been waiting for.

I heard Bella sigh dejectedly and turned to face her. Our eyes met and she shook her head wanting me to forget about it. I ran my fingers through my hair nearly pulling it from the roots.

Emmett and Alice caught the movement and saw mine and Bella's faces. They knew how badly Bella wanted snow and the realization showed in their eyes that the current conversation was not helping, so they subtly changed the subject.

I excused Bella and I from the living room. I needed to do something to help cheer her up.

Bella was curious when I asked her to take a walk with me on the trail surrounding the land we owned. I quickly put on my jacket and scarf and helped Bella bundle warmly.

She giggled and swatted my hand away when I suggested too many clothing.

“What?” I asked. I didn't want her to get sick during the holidays. For some reason her immune system isn't that strong and it causes her to catch a cold easily. I may be just a tad overbearing when it comes to her health.

She rolled her eyes. “Edward, look at me.” She gestured to herself. “ I look like the freakin' Pillsbury Doughboy. I'm warm enough.”

Now that she mentioned it, I immediately saw the resemblance and fought a chuckle.

Bella saw me silently laughing. “Edward! It's not funny!” She growled, opened the front door and went outside.

“Bella!” I yelled through my laughter. She was waiting for me at the bottom of the porch stairs with her arms crossed and wearing a frown.

I gave her my crooked grin. “I'm sorry, Love. I won't laugh at you again. Forgive me?” I asked. I knew my smile 'dazzled' her as she once told me, so hopefully she wouldn't be mad at me much longer.

She shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

“Stop dazzling me, Edward.” She grumbled reaching for my hand and pulling me after her onto the trail.

We took in the winter scenery as we walked. Mom had light posts installed every fifteen feet, so we were not walking in the darkness.

When we reached the pond near the meadow, I looked up and stopped Bella. She turned around confused, saw where I was looking and gasped.

“Edward, shooting stars! How amazing is that?” She asked looking up in awe. “Make a wish.”

I didn't answer, because I was already making my wish.

Whoever controls the weather can you please make it snow on Christmas morning? My girlfriend Bella has never seen it snow, and I want this Christmas to be magical for her. Thank you for listening, even though I feel weird talking to myself.

Apparently I had closed my eyes when I was wish making. So when I opened my eyes and saw Bella's face really close to mine, I gasped and stepped back. Bella blushed mumbling 'sorry' to me.

“No, it's okay. I just didn't know you were going to be that close.” I said.

She smiled. (she was already facing him..lol)

“You looked so beautiful when you were wish making. I guess I got transfixed or something,” she ducked her head down.

I tilted her head up with a finger so I could see her face.

“I'm like that every time you smile that breathtaking smile of yours,” I admitted. I wasn't scared of telling her, but I was scared of her reaction.

She looked at me with wide eyes. “Really?” She squeaked out. I laughed and nodded yes.

I saw the love in her eyes and leaned down to kiss her. I loved how soft her lips were and how perfectly they mold against mine. She sighed, and my tongue found its way in and tangled with hers. It was like a seductive dance.

I slowed the kiss and pulled away opening my eyes. Bella still had her eyes closed and was wearing a blissful face, just as I assumed mine looked right now.

“So,” I started. “What did you wish for?” I wondered if I could fulfill her wish since I couldn't give her snow.

“Edward! You can't tell anybody what you wished for. If you do, the wish won't come true. You wouldn't want that for me, right?” She asked playfully, fluttering her eyelashes.

My heart stuttered.

Only when Bella does it, does it not seem trashy or awkward.

I coughed, trying to control my emotions.

“Let's get back to the house. I don't want you freezing.”

We held hands all the way home and I prayed our wishes came true

Christmas Morning

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bella and I shot up. The banging scared the shit out of us.

“Eddie! Get your ass out of bed. It's Christmas!” Emmett bellowed. I looked over at the clock groaning. It was barley seven in the morning.

“Emmett it's too early. Go back to sleep,” I said, trying to get comfortable with Bella. We had just found a perfect spot when another voice chimed it.

“Bella... look outside,” Alice sang. Bella and I looked at each other in confusion. We got out of bed and moved to the front window. I opened the curtain, and had to blink because it was so...

“Snow!!” Bella squealed. There had to be at least four feet of fresh snow and it was still falling. I couldn't believe it. My wish for Bella had come true.

“Yeah, hurry up and get dressed,” Alice said. “We're changing plans this year for a special surprise.” I turned my head in shock. It was always routine on Christmas day.

“What are we doing first?” I asked hoping it was the snowball fight.

“Snowball fight!” She squealed and danced away to I assume, get dressed.

I whooped and air fisted before turning back to Bella who was still looking at the snow.

“Love, are you ready for your first snow fight?” She nodded eagerly. “Then let's hurry!” We were dressed and gathered with the family in less than five minutes.

Everyone was bundled up and had determined faces displayed. I had a feeling that this game was going to go down in family history.

Dad cleared his throat.

“Since it's a miracle that it snowed, we're changing things up a bit. It's the first game Bella and Jasper will be participating in, and I'm glad that day has finally come.

Instead of every man or woman for themselves, Esme and I decided to split into couples. To make it more interesting, winners gets gloating rights for the year and the losers have to be maids for them for the rest of the day. Nothing outlandish or gross, Emmett,” he gave Emmett a look, earning a scoff in return.

I laughed. Emmett would be the one asking for nasty favors.

“That was basically all I had to say. Oh! Definitely no cheating and no ice in the snowballs. Now, the game starts in ten minutes. Go!” And we rushed in different directions to find the perfect spots.

I already knew where Bella and I were setting up fort.

2 Hours Later

So far Alice and Jasper, and Mom and Dad, have been knocked out of the game. Alice was extremely pissed off since she wanted to beat Emmett and I. I told her she couldn't beat the best and she gave me the finger.

I had taken Bella to my special hideaway spot that has the perfect view of the clearing. No one had found it yet and it kekpt us hidden from the competition. It was slightly elevated and had tons of snow.

The only sound you could hear was the branches swaying in the wind and the birds chirping. Other than that, it was silent.

Bella and I were crouched behind a snow wall we'd made. We had a few hits that nearly broke it down, but my girl knows how to pack it.

It had been silent for nearly twenty minutes, but I knew that Emmett couldn't keep quiet for long. That would be his downfall in this fight.

I finally heard snow being crushed under footsteps. Bella was about to look and see over the wall, but I told her that I would. I knew my way around these woods better than any one.

I moved silently and stealthy and saw my targets about twenty-five feet away. They couldn't see me and were looking everywhere. They were getting desperate.

I quickly made it back to Bella and started making snowballs motioning for Bella to do the same. They were getting closer and still hadn't seen us.

When they were five feet away I whispered to Bella; telling her to get ready. I held three fingers up and slowly lowered them one by one. Once the last finger went down, the battle started.

We quickly threw the snowballs. I heard curses coming from our targets and after a few minutes, I heard the sweet words of surrender.

“Alright, Fuckward! We give up dammit. Stop firing at us!” Emmett yelled.

We stopped quietly letting out sounds of joy. When Bella smiled the most beautiful smile, I couldn't help myself. I crushed my mouth to hers. She let out a squeak of surprise, and it quickly turned into a moan when I bit her lip and started sucking on it. I groaned when her hands pulled my hair.

Damn that was hot.

I slowed the kiss down after a few minutes. We both were panting and smiling from ear to ear.

“So was this the Christmas you've imagined all this time?” I asked Bella, tucking a hair behind her ear.

She shook her head and my heart dropped. I thought I'd planned it perfectly and wished to the right people. Damn shooting star.

“No. It was better that anything I could have imagined. Thank you, Edward.” I took in a much needed breath.

“I'm glad. Now, let's go claim our prize.”

We ran back to the front of the house where everyone was waiting. Mom and Dad were sipping something hot on the porch swings. Alice and Jasper were cuddling on the steps, and Emmett and Rosalie were standing next to them. Emmett was pouting and Rosalie just looked pissed off.

What made this scene funny was that most of them still had snow all over them. Bella and I barely had any.

I clapped my hands smiling wickedly.

“Who's ready for what we have planned?” I received groans of protest, causing Bella and I to laugh.

This was going to be the best Christmas ever. Thank you Snow Angels.

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