Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Wishes

On the twelfth day of Christmas...

EPOV Dec. 23, 2010

“Get the fuck off me, you giant gorilla!” I yelled. Well it came out more like a grunt seeing as I was being sat on by my giant of a brother, Emmett.

Bella and I had just arrived from the airport. We'd been on the airplane for nearly eighteen hours. We had been in Paris for the first part of our Christmas vacation from college.

I had planned to propose to her when we had been at the top of the Eiffel Tower, but of course I have the worse fucking luck in the whole damn world. Just as I was about to kneel down, some other douche bag does it first! C'mon, I was here first. I watched in envy as Bella watched, longingly. It nearly stopped my heart.

The guy was saying words in French and she had tears sliding down her face, smiling. That was suppose to be us; except I don't know a damn word in French.

When they were embracing, Bella sighed. I had to make it better than that. On the flight back to my family, I thought of a plan. I couldn't wait to start planning with my pixie sister, Alice.

After the long flight we just wanted to go to my room and sleep for a long time. Emmett didn't agree.

“No. I will not get off of you until you tell me that you missed me.” Emmett said, letting more of his weight onto me. Fuck. I'm going to be sore.

“Dammit! Fine, I missed you. Now get off!” I grunted, trying to push him off of me. I guess it's good that he's this sturdy since he plays in the NFL.

“Ha, I knew you did,” he said smugly, reaching down and giving me a wet willy. Ugh! I couldn't even move away from him.

“Emmett! Get your ass off your brother and come help me with your daughter!” Rosalie screeched. I held in a snicker. She gets so much bitchier when she's pregnant. I feel bad for Emmett, but then I remembered how he tackled me to the floor once I'd walked through the doorway.

“Why is she my daughter? We made her together.”

“Not when she's acting like a major brat. Seriously, Em. Hurry and help me. I can't feel or see my feet and my back hurts,” she whined.

“Okay,” he said sadly. A snicker finally came out and he kicked me in the shin before running away. Fucker.

I felt fingers running through my hair and looked up. Bella smiled at me lovingly and nodded towards the stairs. She helped me up and I went to grab the bags. She tried to help with them, but I gently swatted her hands away. She rolled her eyes making her way up the stairs. Not a bad sight to see.

As if she knew I was looking, she added an extra sway to her hips as she walked up the stairs. I groaned and heard her laugh. I scowled on my way up the stairs. Darn tease.

After changing and brushing our teeth, we immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Dec 24, 2010

I woke up, stretching my aching limbs. I was going to kill Emmett for that torture. I slowly turned to my side and saw Bella sleeping peacefully.

When she was sleeping, she didn't have any worries that she has to think about. So when we're home in Hartford, CT, I make sure she gets as such sleep as she can; even if it takes away my time with her.

I slid my fingers back and forth on her cheek causing her to sigh and mumble words that I couldn't decipher. How to wake her up? I grinned wickedly.

Slowly, I moved my fingers from her cheek, down her neck, and to her breast. I smiled, circling her nipple till it pebbled up. I like knowing that even in her sleep, she still responds to my touch.

Moving from her breast, I slide my fingers down her stomach to her mound. Feeling the bare skin makes me moan and my morning wood harder. Finally, I enter the promise land.

I gently ease my middle finger in, moving slowly to get her alert. After a few circles, I felt the thick, heady moisture surround my finger. I moved my finger in more, moving faster.

Bella moaned, her hips trying to gain more friction. I gave it to her. I ducked my head, licking and flicking her clit. She gasped, trying to sit up. Using my free hand, I held her hips down.

Her brown eyes met mine in shock. I winked and gently tugged on her clit making her eyes widen before she fell back against the mattress. Flicking my tongue faster, I moved my fingers quicker as well, feeling her walls tighten around them.

I groaned. It made me think about what other parts she tightens around. When she moan loudly, I stopped. She shot up looking irritated. I smirked.

“Why the hell did you stop?” she hissed.

“Well,” I drawled. “I kind of figured that you didn't want the whole house to know what we're doing this fine morning. I'm all up for them knowing. At least they won't bug us,” I said moving to kiss her. She held her hands on my chest stopping me from moving forward.

I frowned, turning to look at her. She was blushing with wide eyes.

“I got loud?” she squeaked out. I laughed. “Edward! It's not funny! It's fine at home, not with your family around.” She groaned covering her face with her arm.

“Don't hide your face from me.” I said sternly. I moved her arms. I looked into her eyes.

“I like knowing that what I'm doing is turning you on. Like when I do this,” I said pinching her nipple making her gasp. “I know I'm doing something right.”

“Y-yeah s-s-sure,” she stuttered.

I reentered my finger and continued where I'd left off, quickly making her orgasm.


We spent the day with my family getting things ready for tomorrow. The girls were baking like crazy and you had to be a complete idiot to go into the kitchen. They would hurt you if you ruined their routine or send you out in the cold on some ridiculous errand.

Doesn't seem like much going to the store, but this town gets crazy when you try to buy things at the last minute. I tried to sneak a piece of turkey before last years Thanksgiving dinner, Mom caught me and sent me to the store for cranberry sauce. I thought that it would be easy and I'd be back home in minutes. Turns out, I was dead fucking wrong.

It was almost chaotic entering the super market. People flying down aisles, fighting over the last bottle of water, and rushing out of the store. It was crazy and I didn't like it one bit. I rushed straight to the canned food aisle looking for the cranberry sauce that Mom always gets.

I had found it, but it was the last one. Just as I'd gotten it in my hands, I was hit in the head. I'd growled and turned around to find an angry grandma scowling, waving her cane at me. I'd just shrugged my shoulders and ran to the register to avoid being hit with the damn cane again.

I had learned my lesson. This year I waited till they were finished baking before motioning Alice to come out without anyone noticing she was missing.

She looked at me curiously. I grabbed her hand dragging her to Dad's study. I told her what happened in Paris. Once I said I wanted to propose to Bella, she started squealing and I had to quickly cover her mouth with my hand, giving her a dark look. She smiled sheepishly when I let her go.

When she calmed down, I told her my plan for tonight. She listened with rapt attention and nodded when I asked her for help. After she left, I sighed in relief. I hoped that when I leave, I leave with a fiancé.

Christmas Eve 11:50 pm

My hands were shaking as I waited for Bella to come downstairs to the living room. I hid slightly in the corner to see if she'd followed the clues I had left for her, but mostly just to see her reaction once she got to the tree.

I'd had a special ornament made. It was a silver star with intricate designs with baby blue stones on the points and outlining the inner star. In the middle of the star was the inscription “Will you marry me?” and the year dangling on the bottom.

Next to it I'd set the velveteen box that held the white gold engagement ring I'd gotten for her. It was a three carat diamond with two smaller diamonds on each side. There were a few smaller ones on the sides. It was gorgeous and perfect for my Bella.

I glanced at my watch seeing it was 11:54pm. The plan was to propose just before midnight to make it more romantic. I was about to text Alice when I heard careful steps coming down the stairs.

Bella entered the room, looking down at her hand. Presumably at the note I had left her. She looked around the room before walking over to the tree and gasping.

That's when I made my appearance.

I walked slowly towards her before kneeling down on one knee. She gasped again when she noticed my position.

“Bella Swan, we've grown up together and ever since I was eight years old, I've known that I was madly in love with you. You've helped me become a better man that I could ever managed to be. You put up with my tantrums and brooding moments. I want to have kids with you and grow old and gray. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I was shaking as I asked her the most important question I've ever asked. I took a deep breath and looked up again to see tears running down her face, over her bright smile.

“Yes, I will marry you,” she gasped, kneeling down before crashing her lips to mine. We fell backwards giggling, but never removing our lips from each other.

Suddenly we heard clapping and loud yells. We turned to the doorway and saw my family wearing matching smiles on their faces. I looked at Alice, shaking my head. I should've known she couldn't keep a secret.

“Merry Christmas.” I whispered into Bella's ear. She hugged my tightly before saying the same.

This was the best Christmas ever and I can't wait until New Year's to really celebrate our engagement.

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