Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear Santa

On the ninth day of Christmas....

Third Person

Christmas day was still a couple weeks away, but time was running out to send Santa Claus letters of the gifts that you want.

That was why the little pixie, Alice, summoned a family meeting. Once her parents, siblings, and friends came into the room, she began her speech.

“As you know, Christmas is just around the corner. I think that all of us should write a letter to Santa,” she stated proudly. She wanted the family to spend more time together and do something fun.

Her father and mother had been going though a tough time. Since they have busy schedules, they have not spent time as a family or couple. Being a well known doctor had its downfall. People wanted Dr. Carlisle Cullen for second opinions and to perform their surgeries. Then Esme being a famous Interior Designer had many emails and phone calls coming in daily.

So Alice put her plan into action, hoping it would work.

Emmett scoffed.

“What are you, four years old? Alice you do know Santa-”

He was cut off when his mother, and his secret crush Rosalie, slapped him in the back of the head.

He groaned and mumbled scooting away to avoid a repeat. He knew that he may say something stupid and have to face his repercussions.

“Shut up, fat head! Besides, I'm only ten. I can still write to him, right Mom?” She asked smugly. She knew that when you turn eighteen, Santa can't give you toys anymore; he'll give you practical items or something boring because you're an adult. Yada yada yada. Who wants socks or pens for Christmas?

Esme nodded. “Yes, baby girl you can still write to him. I'll go get the paper and markers.” She quickly ran to her design studio. When she walked back to the living room, she had in her arms: paper, glitter glue, markers, glue, tape, scissors, stamps, and envelopes.

She handed each child a few papers, and quickly placed everything down before there was a stampede. She and Carlisle sat on the sofa and watched the children with smiles.

Alice of course was the first one to pick her tools. She grabbed the pink and purple glitter glue pens and markers then made her way to the dinning room table and started her creation. Jasper was not far behind, only bringing one color marker.

They were always inseparable. Nothing could keep them apart for long. Jasper always blushed when Alice would comment on his stunning sapphire blue eyes or the way his blond hair glowed in the sun. Just like his twin sister, Rosalie's did.

Emmett barreled through Edward and Bella, causing her to stumble and Edward to glare at his brother. It wasn't enough that his sister had them making childish cards to an imaginary figure, his brother had to push his girlfriend.

Edward was about to respond, when Bella tugged on his shirt. He looked at her and his faced softened. Her large, brown, expressive eyes were begging him not to start anything. It was an accident and it was bound to happen with her clumsiness.

Bella saw that she stopped him and smiled. She grabbed his hand after grabbing a few markers. They planned to write their Christmas letter together.

Rosalie had seen what had happened, so when she got closer to where Emmett was standing, she smacked the back of his head. He loudly cursed and she raised her hand, threatening to hit again, and he quickly apologized.

Rosalie and Emmett had a weird relationship. They each knew the other had a crush, yet they did nothing to change things. She was a tough cookie and he was a strong cuddly-bear with dimples who had a foul mouth. Bears needed to be tamed, and she was the one that could.

“Are you always that rude?” she quietly hissed.

Emmett looked at her in confusion. “What? I didn't do anything.” He didn't know what she was talking about. Bella was always clumsy, he didn't do anything.

“You pushed her, you lug nut!” she responded. He just shrugged in response. With his growing muscles, he could never tell how hard he bumped into people.

“Oh, I did? I didn't even notice. Plus, it was going to happen sooner or later with her clumsy feet. I have no idea how she's is not black and blue all the time.”

She shook her head, grabbing a few markers and walked away. Emmett was so thickheaded, and she hoped he would grow out of that some day.

Emmett harrumphed and sat down. He really liked her, but sometimes she just pushed his buttons too many times. As he sat, he thought about what to write. He wondered if his parents were going to actually send them somewhere in the world or just pretend that they had sent them and read the letters themselves.

The latter was most likely. He started writing his letter.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Yeah, I already know that you are 'Santa' so the jig is up. What do I want for Christmas? Hmm I want a whole bunch of video games for my Wii. Dad knows what I like since I caught him playing it once in my room. Don't deny it, Dad.

I want an autographed football from my favorite team. Dad also knows this.

I also want five batches of Mom's Famous Chocolate Chip Pecan cookies. Mom, you don't make enough and I'm a growing boy. I need all I can eat.

That's all I can think of right now. If I come up with more, I'll text you.

Love your favorite son,

Emmett happy with what he'd written, folded the paper in thirds and stuffed it into the envelope.

“Alright, I'm done. Later losers,” he said as he went up to his room and started up his video game.

The others rolled their eyes, continuing with their work.

Rosalie was done with her letter, as she hadn't asked for much.


I'm Rosalie Hale. I've been somewhat of a good girl this year, so I know their will not be any rocks in my stockings.

What I want for Christmas is make-up, clothes in fashion including matching shoes, and subscriptions to my favorite magazines. I will be really upset if I don't get what I want. Make it happen .

Rosalie Hale

It was short and right to the point, just the way she liked it. Of course she was lying. If Santa didn't bring the goods, she could always use Mommy and Daddy Dearest's credit cards. It's not like they'll notice. They're too busy cruising over the Caribbean. It was only her and Jasper at home, so the Cullen's invited them over. They were considered their own family rather than their own flesh and blood.

After adding the finishing touch to the envelope, she sat herself back on the sofa and resumed reading the newest magazine from Vogue.

Jasper tried to peek at what Alice was writing, but she kept moving her paper away more to the right each time. It was frustrating. He wanted to know what to get her. She was too darn picky and had a tendency to return things.

He sighed, continuing his letter.

Dear Santa,

I don't really want much this year, so the elves don't have to worry about me.

What I really want is Alice Cullen as my girlfriend. I know she flirts a lot with me, but I get all shy and blush as red a tomato.

Can you please give me the courage to ask her? I don't want to lose her so early. I know she is my soul mate.

Jasper Hale

Jasper crossed his legs and fingers in hope that the big guy gets his letter and grants his wish.

While Jasper was concentrating on his letter, Alice added a last detail to hers.

Dear Mr. Santa Claus,

I'm Alice Cullen, but I'm sure you already knew who I was. I'm going to keep it simple this year. All I want is a happy Christmas. No fighting because someone is not listening. My brothers actually listening to my parents and being nice to me like they used to would make Christmas so much better.

I still don't get why brothers and sisters can't get along. It's stupid and annoying.

Whoops! Off track. Anyways, and I want for my parents to be able to take a second honeymoon to reconnect. I know they haven't spent time together and I really want them to stay together.

And one last thing... Do you know Jasper Hale? He's really cute with blond curly hair and the deepest blue eyes that I've ever seen. He's really beautiful and hopefully one day I can call him mine. So what I'm asking for is for you to give him the courage to really talk to me and make a move if he likes me. I know that I come on strong sometimes. I only do it to help him talk to me, but nothing happens.

Please help,
Alice Cullen

P.S- Just a teeny tiny thing. Can I have that huge make-up kit from Macy's?

Alice sighed as she folded her letter. She hoped that Santa came through for her parents. They really needed a vacation.

She stuffed the envelope and decorated it with swirls, reindeer, and snow falling all over. When she was done, she joined Rosalie on the couch to talk about the newest fashion trends.

The only ones left were Edward and Bella. They had to think things through for the prefect letter since they can only send one.

It was decided that Bella would dictate what to write and Edward would write it down since he had the best handwriting. It was as if he was born in the early 1900s and had taken a lesson in Calligraphy.

Dear Santa Claus,

This is Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. We decided to save paper and write what we want in the same letter. It's going to the same place, so it'd be stupid to not think of that. Plus it helps save a tree.

Yes, we are the president and vice president of the Recycle Club. We take recycling pretty seriously. We want there to be a world where our kids can breathe in the fresh air and not cough because of people today not doing the right thing.

Sorry, off track.

What we want is for our family, friends, and the whole world to learn to recycle. That would be really awesome.

Smaller wants: Bella would like a few new books to read, another journal to write in, and for Alice not to play 'Bella Barbie' with her anymore.

What I would like is more composing paper to write music, a lock on my door to keep Emmett out of my room, and a Fender guitar. The “Eric Clapton Stratocaster Maple Fretboard in black. I want to rock out like Pete Townshend from The Who.

We really hope you make our Christmas list come true, but understand if you can't. Just the world recycling will be enough for us.

Thanks in advance,
Edward and Bella

Once Edward finished writing, he passed it to Bella for inspection. She smiled when she finished reading.

“It's perfect, Edward.” Bella said happily. Edward really did have beautiful penmanship. All she had was chicken scratch. It was a shame since she was a girl.

Edward slightly blushed. He never blushes, but one compliment from Bella gets him red in the face.

“Should we decorate it?” He asked. They did use a red paper, but it still looked plain.

“I don't know. Oh! We could draw snowmen and candy canes and snowflakes,” Bella rambled. Edward just smiled listening to her and wrote down her suggestions on another sheet of paper. She always did come up with great ideas.

They ended up drawing snowmen in the corners of the letter and everything else on the envelope.

Esme noticed that Edward and Bella were almost finished, and started putting stamps on the envelopes that were ready. She and Carlisle had already planned for the children to write letters, but their little Alice had beat them to the suggestion.

Esme told Carlisle to bring Emmett down and to get dressed. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and left the room.

“Edward, Bella are you guys almost done?” Esme called out. They nodded. “Good. Bring it here so I can put a stamp on it. I want all of us to get dressed. We'll be leaving in a few minutes.

Everyone looked at Esme curiously, but followed directions. They were all in the large Suburban minutes later.

Emmett and Alice kept asking where they were going, but their parents wouldn't answer. She told them to sit back and enjoy the ride. They sat back and pouted the whole way.

When they were around the corner from their destination, the gang started yelling and squealing in excitement. They were going to the Santa Headquarters. Even though Emmett and Edward knew that Santa wasn't real, they couldn't fight the excitement and wouldn't disappoint their family with their negativity.

As soon as Carlisle parked the car, the doors flew open and everyone jumped out.

Esme led the way to the giant red mailbox. It was just about five feet high and had gold trim and a gold handle. She gave the letters back to each writer so they could put them into the mailbox.

One by one they went as Esme took a picture. The pictures would go into their holiday albums. When Emmett first pulled the handle, Christmas music started playing, causing him to let go. He slowly reopened it and heard a few lines from the song 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'. He started to sing along when his sister pushed him out of the way.

He stuck his tongue out when she wasn't looking.

When all the letters had been mailed, they went and took pictures with Santa and his elves. Emmett of course, made crazy faces each time the camera clicked. Fed up with that, Rosalie stepped on his foot and told him to stop and smile.

He begrudgingly did.

To celebrate the wonderful family outing, they drove to the local cafe for the best hot chocolate Seattle has to offer.

That was the best way to end the day in Christmas spirit. Alice smiled happily, thinking how wonderful her plan was.

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