Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Fuck Me for Christmas

On the fourth day of Christmas...


That's it.

I've finally had it with Edward. I understand that he wants to be married before we “consummate” our relationship, but fuck that. My vagina is angry at me because she can't get any release! Do you know how much it hurts to be denied that pleasure? Huh, do you? I bet your ass you don't.

Because Edward is waiting to seal the deal after we're married; my vagina is lashing out at me. When I try to get myself off, just as I need that final push; the feeling just disappears and I can't get it back. So because she is frustrated, so am I. Which leads me to my plan. I'm going to seduce my fiancée and make him understand that once he gets me started, he has to finish.

Once my plan was set, I headed to the local art store to buy my supplies. I needed to buy some silver duck tape, glitter glue, ribbons or scarfs; whichever is stronger, and a black box. I found all my supplies and I looked around the store for a bit, seeing some things that I may come back and buy for the new house.

While I was in line, I started thinking about how I was going to set it up. Should I just leave the box out in the open for him to find and let it lead him to me or should I give it to him and pounce once he's read the note?

I chuckled darkly, gaining the attention of the cashier. I paid her and made my way outside to my car.

I couldn't wait to put my plan into motion. This is going to be a fun and hopefully enjoyable weekend.



I scrubbed my face trying to wipe away the fatigue. Thirty-two hour shifts are starting to kill me. I love my job, being a Neurosurgeon, but I would love to have a few days off to spend it with my love, Bella. I feel like we haven't spent much time together.

So that is exactly why I put in a request for December 23rd through December 26th off. I want to get as much time with her as I can before we are with our families and it's off to the hospital again for me. I was just about to check in with the Chief of Surgery and see if my requested days were approved, when I ran into my father.

“Edward, just where are you off to in a hurry?” he asked as he caught me in a hug.

“I was about to go see Chief Lawrence about my requested days off.” Damn, I really hope it got approved.

“Ah, well no need. I just came from there and he said all is good and to come back well rested on the 27th.”

As he said that, I air fisted in excitement. He laughed as I thanked him and ran out the sliding doors before anyone could stop me.

I tried to call Bella to tell her the good news, but all I got was her voice mail. I checked the time and saw that it was nearly 8:00pm, so she might be in the shower. The thought of a wet, naked Bella in a steamy hot shower made my scrubs tight.

I slowly skimmed the top of my growing bulge with my finger to dull the ache. I groaned in satisfaction. If I kept this up, I'd be rubbing one out in the parking lot where anyone could pop up and catch me in the act. I stroked one more time before I started the Volvo and pulled out into the street.

These past few years with Bella have been both exciting and painful. Painful as in “I'm going to die from continuing blue balls” painful. Yes, I know it's my fault, but I want to make it an experience that we'll always remember. I want it to be perfect for her. Oral sex can only go so far after a while. Not that doesn't mean that Bella doesn't 'rock my socks', but the thought of entering her tight, warm, core, can keep me hard for days. No substitute can compare. I can hardly wait for our wedding night.

So whenever we're making out on our couch; I have to pull back, and every time I do, I catch a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes before she can hide it. I know she's just as frustrated as I am, but she doesn't know how close I am to breaking down and forgetting the waiting thing. It's only a few more weeks till the wedding. Not much longer at all.

I just hope that she doesn't push; otherwise it won't be anything near love making that I'll be doing to her.

As I pulled into our neighborhood, I took in the Christmas lights that decorated the houses. Some were flashing, others were bright and multi-colored. We haven't had much time to decorate the outside, so I'm hoping that we could make time to hang lights and pull out the Christmas tree.

I finally pulled into the driveway and parked the car. I locked up and headed to the front door. The house looked dark so Bella may already be in bed. The thought saddened me. I thought we could have a late dinner together.

I tiptoed towards the kitchen when I noticed a light beckoning me to the living room. As I got closer, I noticed it was more than one light. Bella had put up and lighted the tree. I'd assumed that she was waiting for me to be home so we could put the decorations up together.

The tree was dressed in red, yellow, green, any colorful lights you can imagine. It was breathtaking and would be more once all the decorations were on.

As I looked the tree up and down I noticed a black box under the tree. Curious, I crouched down for a closer look. The box was addressed to me and had instructions to immediately open it.

I picked it up and shook it. It was very light and sounded like a paper was in there. I pulled the top off and saw a folded piece of paper inside. When I moved the paper, I saw another note on the bottom that made me gasp in surprise and made my dick twitch.

On silver duck tape, was what I assumed glitter glue laying the message “Just Fuck Me For Christmas”. Sweet Jesus, Bella was going to be the death of me.

The crippling of paper remind me of the folded paper I had yet to open. As I opened it, I recognized Bella's handwriting.

Tonight I want you to fulfill my Christmas wish.
Don't keep me waiting on our bed... all alone in barely there silk.
See you soon.
XOXO Bella

Holy shit. Bella in silk?

I ran my hand through my hair and pulled. She wants sex... tonight? What about waiting? I rolled my eyes. Duh, she doesn't want to wait anymore. Well I guess, there goes the waiting plan. I bet if Bella knew how close I was to breaking down; she would've tried sooner.

I stood up shakily, trying to ignore the now painful throbbing in the groin area that was not present a few minutes ago. I made my way down the hallway to our bedroom. The only sounds I could hear was the blood rushing in my veins and my shallow breaths. As I got within a few feet away from the door, I heard music.

It was smooth, sultry, enticing, and sexy. I listened closer and realized that it was Latin. I froze. Bella knew that Latin music is my weakness. The exotic feel of the language, the way the music makes you slowly sway your hips along with the rhythm.

I gulped, slowly turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. My jaw fell to the floor in shock.

There stood my lovely, sweet, Bella smoothly moving around the room to the music. Her hips would meet each drum beat on time. It was hypnotic.

The room was lighted by the flames of the many candles placed all over the room. I took in a breath and smelled raspberry, vanilla, and strawberry. I nearly moaned out loud. Those scents combined will be my undoing.

When she saw I was in the doorway, she smiled seductively and danced her way to me.

“About time you showed up. I was beginning to think that you were going to stand me up, and that would've been a shame,” she cooed, lightly trailing her fingers up my arm and down my chest.

I shivered when my skin ignited in goosebumps.

“Cold?”, she questioned with a smirk. I slowly shook my head.

“Now, are you clear on what exactly is going to happen tonight? I can't handle another day without having this,” she grabbed my fully engorged erection, making me groan, “any longer. You may have had blue balls, but can you imagine the female version? Before you say anything; of course I tried to pleasure myself, but once I got started, the pleasure was lost and I couldn't find it anymore.”

I looked up in shock. She'd taken matters into her own hands? Ugh, so fucking hot.

I stepped towards her to kiss her or do something to release this pleasure, but she held her hand up and pushed me away. I looked down on her with a confused face.

“Ah, ah, ah. Hold your horses, Mr. Cullen. All those times when we were making out or doing oral, you held the reigns. But tonight, I'm going to be in charge and you'll have to listen. Got it?”

I took in a deep breath. Sweet Jesus, I think I'm going to come in my pants. I shook a little to clear the fog in my brain and gave her a nod.

“Great. Now I want you to strip to your boxers and lay on the bed,” She said taking in the dominatrix pose. When did she learn all this? What is she going to do? “Now!” she barked, clearly upset about how slow I was moving.

I was undressed and on the covers in less than ten seconds. I faced her, ready for her next command.

She walked about the bed, picked something up, and climbed onto the bed. I reached out to touch her and she once again smacked my hand away.

“No touching till I say so, Edward. Now, close your eyes for me.” I did as she said and felt something cover my eyes. I instinctively reached out to pull it away.

“It's okay, Edward. Nothing bad is going to happen, okay. Do you trust me?” she asked, caressing my chin and cheeks.

“With my life.” I whispered. The blindfold was already making this an intense atmosphere.

“Thank you, Honey. I'll be right back. I need to grab a couple things first. So just lay back and relax. Use your senses that are hindered by eye sight.”

With my eyesight gone for the meantime, my ears picked up more than I think I was able to hear before. I could hear her soft footsteps as she moved around the room and the trees swaying in the wind.

I was so lost in my thoughts of what was to come that I actually didn't hear Bella move towards me. I jumped in reaction.

“Remember no touching. I was going to tie you up, but unless you give me a reason to, all you have to do is lay there with your arms above your head.” She didn't wait for me to raise my arms before she raised them herself.

Then I felt her straddle my thighs and put delightful pressure on my hard cock. I bucked up instinctively, causing us to moan in appreciation.

“Oh, Edward,” she sighed. “Not yet my love, for I have just begun.” She started to leave slow kisses on my forehead, then my neck; making me once again buck up. She let out a small giggle and continued her little journey on my skin.

I was breathing hard by now. These kisses were driving me crazy with lust and I couldn't do anything about it. Who'd thought small kisses and caresses would be this arousing? I sure didn't.

When she made it to my chest area, I had to start thinking of gross things otherwise I was about to fucking come in my pants like an overzealous teenager.

Then she started sucking on my nipple and caressing the other. I groaned. “Baby, if you keep this up, I'm going to cum any second,” I said breathlessly. She paused and then I felt her slide down my legs and slowly pull down my boxers.

I shuddered when my cock sprang free.

“No no, we can't have that go to waste now can we?” She said. I was about to ask her what she meant, when she licked the head and started licking like my cock was a Popsicle. I moaned when she took me fully in her mouth.

“Fuck, Bella. You gotta warn a guy before you do that.” She chuckled and that vibration felt so fucking good around my cock.

What she did next surprised me. I felt her massage me with her tongue and fondling my balls. She'd never done the tongue things before and it felt amazing when she sucked.

I groaned when her hot pink tongue licked the slit of my cock. That felt fucking amazing. All these sensations started to gang up on me.

“Baby.. I'm gonna.. fuck I'm gonna come,” I panted. Once I said that, her mouth started working over time and a few seconds later, I was roaring my release and nearly tore whatever I was holding above my head.

“Holy shit, Bella. Where the fuck did you learn to do that tongue thing?” I asked. I knew none of my guys mentioned about their girls doing anything like that. They mostly just bobbed around or something.

I could imagine that smug look on her face when she answered. “Oh that? It's a little something I got from my book. Did you like it?” She asked as she rubbed my upper thighs making my cock twitch.

“Fuck yeah! I liked it.” I felt her about to move, so I grabbed her hand and twisted us so I was on top.

I let go of one hand and pulled the blindfold off. My eyes adjusted quickly to the dim lighting.

“Where do you think you're going?” I asked as I started kissing her neck. God, she smells so fucking sweet. I felt her gulp.

“Hmm.. where were you going after giving me that fuckawesome head? Were you just going to leave me here?” I moved up and sucked her earlobe, earning a moan from her.

“What was that I couldn't hear you? Where. Were. You. Going?” I asked again, thrusting with each word. I was already hard again and doing this was making it hard to concentrate.

“Shit! I was gonna... Fuck! I was going to tease you more!” Bella shrieked. I smirked. Let's see who can dish out the teasing.

“Oh, you really shouldn't have said that.” I lowered my head till I was in direct eyesight of her beautiful perfect breasts.

I lifted the camisole and threw it on the floor taking a pert nipple in my mouth. It was just getting in my way. I moaned my appreciation and heard Bella let out a loud whimper. Of course I couldn't leave the other one alone, so I palmed it and twisted it with my fingers.

“More.. I need more, Edward.” Bella panted out.

I chuckled against her breast. “Ah ah ah, can't take your own medicine, Love?” she growled in response.

I slid my fingers from her breast down her stomach, pausing briefly on her abdomen. “Hmm lets see if you're ready for me.” My fingers moved south, slowly parting her soft bare folds, and felt the slickness there. She moaned when my finer touched her clit.

“Ooh you are ready. You feel so slick. I can't wait to stick my thick, hard, cock into you. Hmm would you like that, Baby?” I continued to keep a pace that was driving her crazy with need. I would stop just as she was about to fall off the edge before starting over.

“Now, Edward... I need you inside me now!” She demanded. I grabbed the back of her thighs so they could wrap around my waist.

And with that I thrust hard into her hot core. Fuck! She was so fucking tight. I paused to let her adjust, but it was so hard to keep still.

“You ready, Baby?” I gritted out.

“I was born ready. Now fuck me for Christmas!” She growled. Damn that was sexy.

I chuckled darkly. You asked for it. I pulled out, leaving just the tip in and slammed back in.

Bella arched her back in response. I kept up a rhythm of slamming into her tight heat and rotating my hips. She met each thrust making it that much harder not to come.

“Rub your clit. I can't hold it much longer.” I managed to say in between thrusts. She reached down and rubbed her swollen and tender bundle of nerves. I tilted my hips and combined all together made her scream in ecstasy. I followed not long after.

I collapsed on her for a few seconds before rolling us over so that I was on the bottom.

“Merry Christmas, Bella.” I said into her ear.

I looked down and saw her smile.

“A merry Christmas indeed.”

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