Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Was Caught Kissing Santa

On the eleventh day of Christmas....


I just finished sprinkling the last piece of tinsel on the tree, and stepped back to look at the finished project.

The tree was six feet tall with multicolored lights strung all over. Beautiful decorations that my mother passed had down to me, colored balls both big and small, red bows placed strategically, traditional candy canes, and the silver tinsel.

I sighed. It almost looked like the tree I had growing up, but more modern.

“Mommy, are you crying,” my seven year old asked. I looked at her in shock.

“What? No... I'm not crying. Why would you think I was crying?” I asked. She got up and wiped gently under my eye, showing me the wet spot on her finger. Wow, I wasn't aware that I was crying.

“Sorry, Baby. I didn't know. I was just thinking about when I was your age and how the tree looked back then. This one was brings back memories.” I hugged her to me and she reciprocated.

“I miss Nana too, Mommy.” I held in a sob. She always knew how I was feeling.
smile. “Alright, lets get to it.”
I wiped the rest of the tears away and straightened my clothes.

“Okay, okay. Enough of the sadness. What do you say to making some 'Snow Ball' cookies and surprising your Daddy for dinner?” I glanced at her and saw her smile. “Alright, lets get to it.”


I always enjoyed baking with my daughter. I get to teach her things that she'll know and appreciate when she's older. I wanted to make her childhood the happiest it could be.

Edward and I still can't believe that she's turning eight this May. It felt like it was only yesterday that we were changing her diapers and waking up at three in the morning for feedings. I miss that and think that I'm suffering from 'Empty Womb Syndrome'. I'll most likely ask Edward for another baby.

Sofia was a surprise to us all.

It was a couple weeks after the honeymoon when I started getting really sick. I was tired all the time, threw up many times a day, and sometimes I could only keep water down. Of course Edward thought the worse and practically dragged me to the ER and to his father.

Imagine our surprise when he told us I was pregnant. I had been on birth control the whole time. I mentioned to Carlisle that I had been regularly taking my birth control pills and I was worried that the pills would harm the baby.

He reassured me that its common that women get pregnant while on birth control. It's most likely the pills would not cause any side affects for the baby. To stop Edward and I from worrying, he performed an ultrasound and we heard the fast heart beating of our child.

I turned to Edward. He had tears in his eyes and was smiling. Suddenly our eyes connected, love pouring from us both. It was one of our happiest moments.

I was brought back to the present when white flour exploded in my face. Once the dust settled, I saw Sofia holding the bag of flour and looking incredibly guilty. Even though the kitchen was now a mess, I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. It was so priceless.

“Mommy, I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was open!” She exclaimed nervously.

“Sofia!” I yelled. She couldn't hear me over her rambling.

“Honey, it's fine. I did that too when I was your age. Nana made me clean the whole kitchen by myself,” she looked at me with wide, disbelieving eyes. “It's true. But you're lucky. I'm going to help you out.”

We finished cleaning the flour in a few minutes then finished mixing the rest ingredients. Now was the fun part. I demonstrated how to roll the dough into two inch balls and make sure there was enough pecans in there. She kept making them bigger, but it was alright. Once the cookies were in the oven, we sat down in the living room and relaxed.

Twenty minutes later the timer went off. Sofia stayed in the living room watching “Frosty the Snowman” while I pulled the cookies out of the oven. The kitchen smelled delicious and was already starting to smell like Christmas.

I glanced at the clock, a quarter till six, almost time for Edward to arrive home.

“Hey, Sofia? What do you want for dinner?” I called out.

“Chicken nuggets!”

I laughed. I should've known. Just like her father, she is a creature of habit. They loved eating their favorites every time they can.

I put the nuggets in the oven, peeled the potatoes, and got the water boiling for the macaroni.

Dinner was just about done when I heard keys in the door. Sofia squealed as the door opened. I shook my head. She was such a 'Daddy's Girl'. Edward didn't stand a chance when she was born.

I washed my hands and followed the sound of laughter and squeals. Just around the corner I found Edward tickling Sofia on the floor. When he noticed my presence, he looked up sending me a wink.

I smiled, sighing. That man can still buckle my knees with just a smile.

“Dinners done,” I yelled above the loud laughter. Once I said that, it was silent before they ran past me into the kitchen. They must've been hungry.

Dinner was quiet, the only sounds you could hear was the forks sliding against the plate and Edward's small moans of content.

“Mommy?” Sofia asked softly. I turned to her curiously. “Will Santa stop by our house?”

She looked so sad when she asked the question.

“Of course he will, Sweetie. What would make you think he won't?” I looked at Edward and he just shrugged.

“We don't have a fireplace for him to squeeze through.” Oh that.

I waited till she was looking at me. “I can guarantee you that Santa will stop by tonight. So don't worry.” I looked at Edward and he nodded.

Tonight was going to be great!

Christmas Morning 2:36am

We waited till Sofia was sleeping soundly before getting dressed and bringing the presents to put under the tree.

Since we were teens, Edward and I had made our own... unique tradition. Whenever I stayed the night at his family's house on Christmas Eve, we'd wait before sneaking downstairs. Edward would dress as Santa and I'd have my best dress on with my favorite heels; my black and white sling backs with the bow on the top.

After our Christmas kiss, we'd take a picture and put it in our Christmas album. No one knew, and that made it special.

We tiptoed down the stairs avoiding the creaky step, and finally made it to the ground. Edward carried the big, red bag to the Christmas tree and started placing the presents underneath.

I went to the kitchen to grab a few chocolate chip cookies and small glass of milk placed them on the table near the tree.

We stood there for a minute admiring our work. The Christmas tree looked beautiful lit up and filled with presents underneath. I looked around the room trying to find the perfect spot. I found it just slightly in front of the stockings but still close enough to the tree. I stood in spot while Edward set up the tripod. We took a few pictures before checking the camera.

“Hmm I think you're finally getting better at placing the presents, Santa.” I whispered in his ear, making his breath hitch.

“Is that so?” he asked caressing my cheek.

I was too focused on the sensation and the way his face was moving closer. The way his tongue was teasing my lips before entering and tangling with mine. The way it sent my heart flying each time... to notice the squeaky step had been stepped on.

“Mommy, why are you kissing Santa?” Sofia asked groggily. I froze, as did Edward. We slowly separated and turned to face her. I was panicking. What the hell was I supposed to tell her?

“You're dreaming!” I blurted out. Edward raised an eyebrow at me. I threw my hands up. What was I supposed to say.

Sofia, your Daddy is Santa and I wanted a big kiss?! Ugh no.

“I'm dreaming? Like sleep walking?” she asked

I nodded. “Yep, that's the one. Now Santa is going to put you back to sleep so you can wake up the real way. If you go to sleep faster, you'll get your presents that Santa brought you,” I said pointing to the tree.

Her eyes widened before running to Edward and pulling him up the stairs.

Oh shit... that just barely worked. If it had been my mom in my place, she'd have said, “None of your business. Now leave the room.” My mom was a riot.

I sat down on the couch, suddenly tired. I must've fallen asleep because I felt myself being carried. I opened my eyes seeing Edward.

“So you couldn't wait for Santa to bring your gift to you?” he said huskily. His green eyes darkening with lust.

I gulped. This was one hell of a wake up call.

“I-I'm sorry?” I squeaked.

He chuckled and entering our bedroom.

“Have you been a good girl this year?” he asked. I couldn't speak I barely managed to nod.

He kicked the door closed and showed me how very good I'd been this year.

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