Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rule of Winter #528

On the tenth day of Christmas...


A couple hours till lunch and it was finally starting to snow at Forks High. Everyone, including the teachers, were hoping that it'll snow so much, we'd be able to start our Christmas vacation early. There were still a few days till it actually started.

Right now, the history teacher Mr. Jones, was getting frustrated since half the class was so enraptured with the heavily falling snow. Even I had started to stare out the window, and the teacher usually had my full attention since this was my favorite class.

I guess Christmas fever had gone up a notch.

Suddenly there was a loud whistle making everyone face the front. Mr. Jones was red in the face and taking heaving breaths. Damn, I don't think I've ever seen him this mad before.

He took a deep breath before talking.

“If you'll listen to what I have to say and write down the homework,” he paused as if he had a hard time finishing the sentence, “I'll release the class ten minutes early due to the snow.”

The class erupted in cheers for a few seconds and took Mr. Jones seriously. True to his word, he let us out fifteen minutes later and whole class ran out. I strolled behind them, tugging on my warm jacket. No need to get sick during the holidays.

When I pushed open the door and stepped outside, I was in awe of the snow. It was like a Thomas Kinkade picture only with teens running all over the place threatening each other with snowballs.

The way the snow swirled in the sky before making the journey down, it was mesmerizing. It was so pure outside. You never get to see Forks like this. It's not that common since it mostly rains, but it's really freakin' awesome when it does.

I was about to step onto the sidewalk when suddenly I was hit in the ass with something fucking cold. I gasped and held onto the railing before I could fall.

Once I was stable, I quickly turned around to see the damage. There was a big wet spot on the left side of my butt. Just great. At least no one will think I pissed in my pants.

I turned again to face the culprit only to freeze in shock. There was my little pixie wearing a devious grin and tossing a snowball back and forth between her hands.

I pointed at her in question and she nodded smugly. She knew I didn't like snowballs since my best friend, Emmett, likes to pummel me till I'm blue and on the edge of getting hypothermia.

I frowned and let out a growl and stalked across the school yard. When she saw me coming, her eyes widened and she squealed before turning around and running. Oh no my darling, you won't get away, I thought darkly.

I increased my pace, being cautious of ice patches. By now I was in the far corner of the yard, nearly to the parking lot. Where did she go? I had only looked down for a second when I started to slip. I fell with a hard thud.

Fuck. That really hurt.

“Jasper!” I heard Alice scream. She ran from wherever she was hiding and was frantically checking over my body. I didn't have any cuts, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be sore in the morning.

I must've been lost in my thoughts or I have a slight concussion, when Alice started yelling in my face.

“Jasper do you hear me?! How many fingers am I holding up?” She shoved three fingers too close to my face, causing me to move my head.

“Darlin', I'm fine. Now will you get your hand out of my face? You're starting to make me dizzy.” I closed my eyes, trying to stop the sensation.

She yanked her hand back and sat down. When she wasn't paying attention, I started gathering a handful of snow. It was as good a time as any to get payback.

I flicked the snow at her, and she gasped in surprise.

“Jasper Hale! How dare you get back at me when I'm trying to comfo-”

She couldn't finish her sentence when I crashed my mouth to hers. She was just too irresistible. I cradled her head with both hands, deepening the kiss. I tugged on her bottom lip, causing her to moan.

Just as I was about to lay us down, snowballs were suddenly flying at us. I rolled Alice over, protecting her from the onslaught.

“Hey Romeo, stop macking on my sister!” Emmett yelled. I groaned as Alice giggled.

“I really hate your brother,” I mumbled into her neck. She shivered. “Let's get off the ground before you get sick.” I pulled us up and started wiping the snow off our clothes.

We turned around and saw the gang. Emmett was smiling cheekily with Rosalie holding a snowball in her hands, while Edward was holding Bella from behind.

“Who threw the damn snowballs?” I asked angrily. I hated snow and hated getting interrupted when I'm with Alice.

They all held their hands out. Some holding snowballs, others showing the evidence of snow. I shook my head.

“Why?” Alice asked as we started moving towards them.

Edward coughed. “Umm... any longer and you'd need a room, and I don't need that visual of my sister either.” He shuddered and Bella laughed.

“Hey! We were not that bad. My sister and Emmett are way worse than what Alice and I just did.” They were basically dry humping. There were things that siblings didn't need to see. Ever.

Emmett and Rose just shrugged, not even bothering to deny it.


We ended up playing in the snow for another hour before Principal Gibson declared it a snow day and that school will resume when the streets are cleared.

Plans were made soon after to go to the Cullen's house and hang out till the weather cleared.

After picking up a bag of clothes in case I got stuck there, I make it to the house in forty minutes. I let myself in, dropping my bag near the door. It felt fucking awesome inside.

I heard voices and followed the sound to the living room. The gang was gathered around the large coffee table eating snacks.

“Hey! About time you got here,” Alice greeted, kissing me softly on the lips. She pulled me to the spot she'd been sitting at and we sat down.

“So for snow day traditions, let's play Truth or Dare!” Alice squealed. We all groaned. “Hey now! It's a fun game,” she said defensively.

“Not when you want to play it every single time we're stuck at home,” Edward said, running his hands through his hair. What I saw next surprised the hell out of me.

Bella trailed her fingers slowly up and down Edward's arm. He gulped.

“I love to play Truth or Dare. Are you saying that you wouldn't play if I played?” She asked fluttering her eyelashes. I knew how the guy felt right now. Alice used to do that a lot before we started dating. Sneaky pixie.

“Y-yeah I'll play with you.. with you all,” he stuttered out, blushing. It's the first time I've ever seen him do that. Bella giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

“I wanna go first. Is that okay, Alice?” Bella asked shyly. She knew how much Alice loves picking out the first dare.

Alice mulled it over and nodded. That's my girl. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her to me. She looked up and smiled.

“Okay, Emmett truth or dare?”

“Dare, duh Bellsy,” Emmett scoffed. “Bring it on.”

She narrowed her eyes in concentration. “Fine. I dare you to go outside... and stuff snow down your pants.”

Emmett rolled his eyes. “That's it. No problem.” He got up and walked to the door. We followed him outside.

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants before bending over to grab a handful of snow. Just as he was about to pour it down his pants Bella spoke up.

“Emmett, I wasn't talking about those pants,” she said wickedly.


“Yep. Karma is a pain the ass huh? This is what you get for barging into Edward's room when we're in there.” She said heatedly. Damn... don't piss off the girl.

Edward hugged her and smiled. “That's my girl. Hurry up, Emmett. It's freezing balls out here.” When he said that, everyone except Emmett cracked up laughing.

“Ugh, shut up, Fuckward.” He stuck his snow filled hands down his boxers. “Ah fuck! Dammit Bella! I'm so going to get you back.” He started jumping around, trying to make the snow fall down his pants.

“Now you know how blue balls feel,” Edward said smugly.

Rosalie rushed to help Emmett empty his boxers before joining the rest inside. After Emmett changed into some dry clothes, he came back looking mischievous.

He rubbed his hands together, looking around the group searching for the next victim. It was starting to near the three minute mark when my sister lost her patience.

“Hurry the fuck up, Emmett or we're going to skip your turn,” she huffed crossing her arms.

“Okay... Alice truth or dare?” I looked down at her, wondering what she would choose. She always surprised me.

“Dare.” She answered confidently. Emmett grinned.

“Excellent. I dare you to drink the concoction that I make in the kitchen.” With that he ran to make whatever he's going to force my darlin' to drink.

“Dammit,” I heard her mutter. “I should've known better than to pick dare with Emmett. He always picks the grossest things.” I kissed her on the head, silently agreeing.

Emmett came back a few minutes later carrying a gross looking orange drink and placed it in front of Alice.

She looked at it warily. “What the heck is this?”

It's 'Emmett's Secret Surprise Slurpy'. You have to drink half of it in three minutes.” She gaped at him, then narrowed her eyes into slits.

She bravely grabbed the glass and waited for someone to start the clock. When Bella nodded, Alice brought the cup to her mouth and started drinking. I was expecting her to take sips but she straight on guzzled that shit. More than half the glass too.

She shuddered placing the glass back down looking up at Emmett. He was gaping at her in shock.

“I can't believe you drank eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, Tabasco sauce, salad dressing-”

He was cut off when Alice shot up, running out of the room with a very green face. I rushed to follow her only to find the door locked. I heard her retching into the toilet.

“Alice, are you okay?” I asked through the door. I heard a groan in response. “Can you open the door for me?” There was silence till I heard the click.

I slowly opened the door to find her hunched over the toilet. Looking around the bathroom, I grabbed the hand towel wetting it with water to wipe her face.

“I am so going to kill Emmett,” she muttered hoarsely. I nodded in agreement. That shit was fucked up. I was going to get him back.

“Don't worry, darlin'. We'll get him back.” She was good to go ten minutes later. When we entered the living room, we saw everyone glaring at a pouting Emmett.

Rose and Bella asked her how she was feeling. She said she was okay and wanted to continue the game.

“Edward, truth or dare?” He quickly answered with truth. “Hmm... Is it true that you and Bella were making out in the gym when Coach Muller walked it?”

Bella immediately blushed and Edward glared at Alice, reluctantly answering yes. Wow, I never knew that.

“Go Eddie!” Emmett yelled out. “Never knew you had it in you, bro. I'd always thought you were too much of a prude to do anything on campus,” he said nonchalantly.

“Shut up, Emmett!” Edward growled out. Suddenly he had a wicked grin on his face. “Emmett, truth or dare? Or are you too chicken to do anything?”

“Dare,” Emmett said smugly

“R.O.W #528,” Edward said gleefully. Oh snap, he's out for blood.

“What the fuck is that Edward?”Emmett asked angrily. Ooh he didn't know. I struggled to hold in my laughter.

R.O.W #528 is really 'Rule of Winter: Don't lick flag poles, street signs, mailboxes, or playground equipment. You may dare a friend to do so, but do not attempt this feat yourself.

Now that I think of it, Emmett wasn't around when we made up the rules. He was hanging out with his football friends at one of their houses. Edward and I were at Mulberry Hill sledding down the hill when we'd seen a commotion at the the playground.

Jonathan Hills' tongue was stuck to the basketball pole. He'd been dared and the idiot thought that it really couldn't happen in real life. That if he stuck his tongue to something cold, it wouldn't get stuck. He learned his lesson the hard, cold way.

It took medics at least an hour to release him. Late that night, we made up a book of winter rules full of what not to do. We actually didn't have that many, so we made up high and low numbers for titles. We were nerds and that was the most exciting thing we did at the age of thirteen.

“Emmett I dare you to lick Dad's military flag pole.” Edward said.

Emmett scoffed again. Dude never learns his lesson. “Really that's it? You and Bella suck at dares.”

Minutes later, we are all gathered around the empty flag pole. Edward looked at Emmett crossing his arms.

“What are you waiting for? Get to it.” I saw a flicker of hesitation pass through Emmett's eyes before it was gone. All that was left is determination. Emmett walked to the pole and looked at it, trying to find a good spot. When he finally found one, he stuck his tongue out and licked the pole, only to freeze.

I turned to Edward and saw that he was trying to hold in his chuckles.

Emmett tried to pull away, but he was stuck and starting to pull harder. He groaned in pain, then let out a growl which I assumed was towards Edward.

“Emmett, when are you going to learn to shut you damn mouth up?” my sister angrily spoke. “Every single time you get too damn cocky, you get yourself into trouble. What am I going to do with you,” she said starting on a rant and walking away.

Alice sighed walking into the house. “I'll call Dad and tell him to bring help.”

Bella brought Emmett a chair so he could sit instead of stand for the long wait. He grunted and sat down.

I finally couldn't hold it in anymore and broke out laughing. Edward joined in too.

It hit me when I was laughing, that we'd each gotten back at Emmett for teasing and messing with us. He'd finally just pushed us too far with his pranking. We could only go so far.

I walked up to Emmett and waited for him to look up. He had a look of confusion on his face.

“Ain't Karma a pain in the ass?” I told him. I laughed and walked inside the house.

What a great way to start the holidays.

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