Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Baby

On the third day of Christmas....


“Emmett are you sure that you can take care of Natalie? She's ten months old and needs a lot more care than when you watched her for those two hours when she was an infant,” my annoying worried brother said.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes I know. Go enjoy your night out with Bella. Please get laid before you wear a hole in the floor.” I quickly dodged his weak attempt to punch me.

“Dude, no talking like that in front of my baby girl. She's already starting to copy words that Bella and I say. If you teach her a bad word it won't be just me dealing out your punishment, got it?” he asked while raising an eyebrow. I gulped.

I wasn't scared of his scrawny ass, but when Bella was pregnant... I shuddered. I couldn't even think about that day without getting goosebumps. She puts meaning to 'Mama Bear'. I have no idea how one measly comment made her go all Rocky on me. Shit, I still had the battle scars!

If Bella was like that when she was pregnant, I dread the day my Rosie gets pregnant. But then the image of holding my own baby girl or boy makes it worth it.

“Yeah yeah, your wife is going to go freakin' Rocky on my ass.” As I said that, I felt a hard kick in my ass.

“You better believe I will,” said the demon in disguise. When I jumped and guarded my ass, she laughed. “Oh stop being a baby, Emmett. I didn't get you that good.”

“Uh huh, sure. Just keep arms and legs to yourself. I really don't want anymore scars messing up my skin.” I heard snorts in response. “Hey! I do have good skin. You're just jealous.” I pouted and crossed my arms.

“Yes, Emmett. You have pretty skin,” Edward said while grabbing my cheeks. I smacked his hand away. It's like he forgets that I'm older and stronger than him. “Love, we have to get going if we're going to make the reservations.”

Bella nodded.

“Emmett, there are bottles already filled with milk. If she gets hungry, just warm it up a bit. I put everything that you might need in her diaper bag which is next to her play pen. Her favorite toys are in a box next to the diaper bag. Oh and could you please untangle the Christmas lights? We haven't had time to do it yet.”

I stopped her before she made the list longer

“Bella, I got it. I have babysat this little rascal before. I can handle it, trust me.” I started pushing them both towards the door. “Just go before you have a coronary.”

They looked at me in shock.

“Hey! Don't look at me like that. I know words like that,” I huffed. Just because I looked like a dumb jock, didn't mean I'm a dumb jock. It's not hard to remember those words when you're sitting on a toilet at home and reading Dad's medical magazines to pass the time.

“Sorry, Emmett. Okay take care of our baby girl and we should be home in a few hours,” Bella said as she pulled Edward out the door and towards their Volvo.

I waved good-bye and closed the door.

Natalie was still sleeping in her play pen, so I decided to raid their fridge.

Holy moly of fridge heaven! They had all kinds of leftovers. Now where was I going to start?


30 minutes later

After I filled my stomach, I headed back to the living room and sat on the couch. As I let out some gas, I felt like something was wrong.

I shrugged away the feeling and turned on the T.V. I was flipping through the channels when I heard a giggle.

I stiffened up. That was not a sound I was supposed to hear. That was a sound that came from that horror film all kids wanted to see and then regretted when the plastic doll came alive and started killing people.

Sure I may have overreacting, but that was the first thing that came to mind. I moved to pick up Natalie so we could run for our lives when I noticed she wasn't there.

“FUCK!” I whisper yelled to myself. When did she figure out how to do that? Just my luck that she learns to do that when I'm in charge. Bella was going to kill me and make sure no one found my body. Darn Charlie for teaching her things.

Then I realized that the doll couldn't be real and this fear I had was irrational. Thankfully no one would never know.

“Natalie, where are you? Come to Uncle Emmett so your mom won't make him disappear,” I called out to her. I listened for any sound for five minutes and heard nothing.

“Alright Natalie, Uncle Emmett is going to find you.” I said as I started to look for her.

First, I checked under the couch. There was nothing there besides some dust and a few quarters and nickels that I put in my pocket.

Next, I looked in each nook and cranny in the living room. Nowhere to be found.

I started to head towards the kitchen when I slipped and fell. Ouch! What the hell did I slip on?

I found the wet mark and swiped a bit with my finger and holding it up to my nose. It was baby drool. The trail wasn't going to the kitchen, it was going towards the bedrooms.

I followed the trail to the extra bedroom that Edward and Bella kept for storage. As I got closer, I noticed a small light coming from inside the room. I walked just a bit faster and stopped in the doorway.

There was Natalie tangled in the Christmas lights that were miniature presents and looking at each one with interest only babies can show. You could tell that when she was walking by, her leg got caught in the lights and she pulled the rest from atop the desk causing them to fall on her head and shoulders.

I crouched down and felt the lights. They weren't hot, so it most likely just happened.

When I started to untangle her, she noticed I found her. She smiled and started clapping away.

“Were you trying to beat Uncle Em at the lights, huh?” I asked as I started to tickle her. She laughed and tried to swat my fingers away.

I put her down and reached into a box that held a Santa hat. I put it on her head and knew she liked it from the giggles that escaped her cute little face.

I sighed. “Alright, lets get these lights untangled and make a surprise for mommy and daddy. Okay Natalie?” All I got in response was a small grin and more clapping.

She kept me company while I untangled the lights and made sure the others worked as well. After I had that done, she started wailing. I checked my watch and saw that it had been a good thirty minutes or so since I started looking for her.

I carried her with me to the kitchen and placed her into the highchair. After warming the bottle and letting it cool a bit, I carried her and the highchair back to the room.

About an hour later, we had the Christmas tree up and decorated with lights and decorations. Not bad at all.

Natalie had fallen asleep half an hour ago, so I had music on low volume as company.

As I put on the last piece of tinsel, I heard the door open and then a surprised gasp.

I turned around and saw Bella with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. I had never seen her cry before, so it made me nervous.

“Bells? I'm sorry that I put the tree up. I thought I was helping. Okay, I'll take it-”

I was interrupted by a loud 'NO'.

“Huh?” I asked confused.

“Emmett, I wasn't crying because I'm mad. I'm crying because it's a happy surprise. Thank you so much,” She walked forward and gave me a strong hug.

I coughed. “No problem. Bella. Well, I'll just be leaving since you don't need me here anymore.”

They both told me thanks as I walked out the door. I had fun watching my niece, but now I couldn't wait to get home to my Rosie and work on getting our own little Natalie.

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