Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rooftop Confessions: The Chase Date

A/N: Hey guys!

So I just wanted to let all you know that I'm contributing the second part of "Rooftop Confessions" for the Fandom 4 Tsunami compilation. If you want to read it, find out how to donate here:

You can donate as little as $5 and it's for a great cause. The continuing O/s will be called "Rooftop Confessions: The Chase Date" and the lovely FrozenSoldier has made me a lovely banner for it.

Here is a little sneak speak of what you'll be donating for:


"Wow, that's not bad at all. I would love to live in apartment building with that many people." I sighed wistfully. Being in my career doesn't leave me much time to live in a house or apartment. I love my job and all, but nothing can beat having your own place to relax where people can't bother you and you can keep it as clean or dirty as you want.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. This apartment was practically a steal when I got it. It was the only one in my price range and I had to beat out two other applicants."

I quickly stopped in the doorway of her living room and faced her. "What do you mean you had to beat them? How did you?"

She had a serious look in her eyes that made my want to shudder, but I held firm. "If I told you, then I'd have to kill you."

I felt my face turn as a white as ghost and slumped to the couch. When I did, Bella burst out laughing, making me jump in surprise. Was my reaction that funny? I mean, it's possible since she's a cop and knows places to bury a body or make a person disappear. Oh for the love of the Oscars-

"You're totally shitting me, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded, tears falling down her smiling face.

This is what happens when you watch too many CSI shows and detective movies for research. You start becoming unconsciously paranoid and automatically thinking the worse. You'd think being an actor would make me know if people were "acting", but unfortunately I can only do that with fellow actors.

A few more giggles escaped as Bella wiped the tears away, her brown eyes shining beautifully at me.

"Oh, Edward. I never would've thought that I could make you think that I was a killer. And for a apartment no less!" I harrumphed and crossed my arms. She was very convincing and I could tell that she's a great interrogator.

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