Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rooftop Confessions: The Chase Date

A/N: Hey guys!

So I just wanted to let all you know that I'm contributing the second part of "Rooftop Confessions" for the Fandom 4 Tsunami compilation. If you want to read it, find out how to donate here:

You can donate as little as $5 and it's for a great cause. The continuing O/s will be called "Rooftop Confessions: The Chase Date" and the lovely FrozenSoldier has made me a lovely banner for it.

Here is a little sneak speak of what you'll be donating for:


"Wow, that's not bad at all. I would love to live in apartment building with that many people." I sighed wistfully. Being in my career doesn't leave me much time to live in a house or apartment. I love my job and all, but nothing can beat having your own place to relax where people can't bother you and you can keep it as clean or dirty as you want.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. This apartment was practically a steal when I got it. It was the only one in my price range and I had to beat out two other applicants."

I quickly stopped in the doorway of her living room and faced her. "What do you mean you had to beat them? How did you?"

She had a serious look in her eyes that made my want to shudder, but I held firm. "If I told you, then I'd have to kill you."

I felt my face turn as a white as ghost and slumped to the couch. When I did, Bella burst out laughing, making me jump in surprise. Was my reaction that funny? I mean, it's possible since she's a cop and knows places to bury a body or make a person disappear. Oh for the love of the Oscars-

"You're totally shitting me, aren't you?" I asked. She nodded, tears falling down her smiling face.

This is what happens when you watch too many CSI shows and detective movies for research. You start becoming unconsciously paranoid and automatically thinking the worse. You'd think being an actor would make me know if people were "acting", but unfortunately I can only do that with fellow actors.

A few more giggles escaped as Bella wiped the tears away, her brown eyes shining beautifully at me.

"Oh, Edward. I never would've thought that I could make you think that I was a killer. And for a apartment no less!" I harrumphed and crossed my arms. She was very convincing and I could tell that she's a great interrogator.

Rooftop Confessions

A/N: This is my entry for the "Fic A Pic Contest" based on this picture

To see other entries for the contest, visit http:/www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/~ficapiccontest



"Hey Alice!" I yelled out. It's always a problem trying to talk in the club. Then again a club wasn't meant for talking.

"What?" she yelled back, dancing closer to me. She had been dancing with her boyfriend of four years, Jasper.

"I'm gonna head to the roof to smoke. I'll be back in like half an hour." She nodded before yelling back that if I'm not back in that time, that she'll send out an APB. I shook my head and danced my way out of the crowd. With both of us being daughters of New York Cops, we've always been protected and protective of each other.

After being pushed and shoved through the mob, I finally made it to the hidden stairs that led up to the roof. No one knew about it, except if you're a VIP or you know the owners, which I do.

Emmett and Rosalie McCarty have been my friends since the night Alice and I came to their night club, Aria, which is named after their cutie pie daughter. Alice had set me up on the blind date from hell and I just wanted to forget the night ever happened.


I had no idea what possessed Alice into thinking that a guy like Mike Newton was my type. First, he kept checking out girls when I was sitting right in front of him. Secondly, he was the most disgusting eater I'd ever seen! I was surprised that I managed to keep my food down and not vomit over his dorky khakis. While he was eating he kept trying to carry on the conversation, which was all about him. I don't think he even realized that I wasn't talking.

I had to get out of there. I excused myself to the restroom and had to stop myself from jumping out of the goddamn window.

As soon as I made it into the restroom, I whipped out my cell and called Alice. She answered on the second ring.

"Bella? What's wrong are you okay? Say something!" she screeched out.

"No, I'm not okay. Seriously, Alice? What in the world made you think that I would like Mike Newton? This is the worst date ever!" I ranted. I'd be lucky if I'm still into men after an entire date with him.

"How bad has he been so far?" she asked in a concerned tone. I relayed to her the evening and could tell that she was trying to hide her laughter.

"Alice! It's not funny. I can't believe that you're laughing at this right now." I whisper-yelled into the phone. Am I on a episode of "Punk'D"? Is there a camera man behind one of the bathroom stalls? And where the hell is hot ass Ashton Kutcher?

Alice sighed. "Alright sorry, Honey. I really did think he was a good guy. He's Jasper's cousin after all." As she said that, I coughed up the water I was swallowing.

"Excuse me!" I screeched. "How in the world can they be related?" Unbelievable.

"Yup, they are. Jasper's mom is Mike's aunt. Okay, since I got you into this mess I'll get you out."

After we hung up, I returned to the table and told Mike that I was having stomach cramps and needed to go home. I think he was afraid I was going to have diarrhea on his brand new loafers, which I knew he had just bought from his never ending monologue.

To make up for that horrible date and embarrassment, I made Alice pick me up and buy me a round of drinks at this new night club. Once we arrived, I went straight to the bar and asked for two shots of Tequila. I shot them one right after the other. I winced as the liquid went down my throat, as it burned like fire.

Alice rubbed my back and ordered our drinks.

It was a couple of hours later when I finally forgot the horrible date and met Rosalie and Emmett.

Alice and I were getting slightly drunk, though I was a bit ahead of her in the race. Rose had told us that while she was stocking up behind the bar, she noticed us, me in particular and was concerned on how heavily I was drinking.

Emmett and Rose were a few years older than us, and took on the parental roles when they thought we were acting irresponsibly. When last call was announced, they introduced themselves as the owners and told us they wanted us to stay the night with them.

I was shocked and told them I wasn't into threesomes. They laughed and told me that they wanted us to sleep in their guest room where they knew we'd be safe.

That was the night Alice and I gained two guardian angels whenever we went out.


I finally found my way to the secret door leading to the roof. I let out a sigh of relief. I love going to clubs, but sometimes it's just too crowded and I feel claustrophobic sometimes.

I take my time climbing the stairs, counting as I go. The last time I counted the stairs they totaled eighty. Then again I was slightly drunk, so who knows what the actual count will be this time.

By the time I get to step fifty-eight, I hear moans coming from one of the rooms. I instantly think someone is getting hurt and make a move to open the door... suddenly I hear a piercing screech and froze.

I would know that high pitch whore moan anywhere. That's the moan I heard walking into my ex-boyfriend, Jacob aka Jack Ass's, apartment. I was going to break up with the bastard anyways, so I just transferred my anger to the bimbo for the time being.

I stormed into the apartment and slammed the door open catching them in the act. He had her in the doggy-style position, not that I'm surprised by the way, and was fucking her in the ass.

When Jacob saw that I was there, he jumped away from her and started saying "It's not what it looks like", "It doesn't mean anything", and my personal favorite "It was a dare." Um yeah sure.. whatever.

The skank, who I soon found out was named Tanya, started cussing at Jacob saying that he was a "fucking liar" and that they were in love and had been dating and sleeping together for five months. Jacob and I were together for seven. I'm really fucking thankful that I never let him near my hoohah without a condom.

That piece of news hurt and angered me. I narrowed my eyes at the blond skank. Oh hell no were these two scums going to make a fool out of me. I marched over to her, slapped her in the face and punched her in the stomach telling her that if I ever see her again, I'll reverse that nose job of hers.

She gasped in surprise. I snorted, like that wasn't noticeable. While I was beating up his girlfriend, Jacob didn't even make a move to protect her. When I turned to give him an earful, I noticed that his tiny dick was trying to say "Hi".

Fucking asshole, literally. I walked around the bed, thinking about what I should do, quickly forming an idea.

"Awe... Did that turn you on, Baby?" I crooned in my seductive voice. He quickly turned to me with his lust-filled eyes and nodded. Pig.

"You liked me showing your whore who's boss?" I asked swaying my hips the way he liked me to. He noticed and gulped, closing his eyes in pleasure. I rolled my eyes and quickly made my move.

I pretended to embrace him and instead kneed him in the balls. He screeched like a little girl and fell to the floor, holding onto his nuts for dear life.

"Your dick is always getting you into trouble. Keep it in your pants, asshole. No one likes assholes except skanks and hookers and apparently you! One is desperate for anything and the other is getting paid and you're just gross."

Tanya made a move to protest but I brought my fist up and moved my arm like I was going to punch her. She screamed and covered her face with her arms.

I snickered and made my way towards the door. Before I left, I called out one last thing.

"Jacob, if I ever see you anywhere near my friends or where we hang out, I'll tell Emmett and he won't go easy on you like I did."

I never saw or heard from him again. Apparently it wasn't going to be the same for her. I rubbed my hands gleefully. It seems it's time for some payback.

I knocked on the door and yelled, "I hope you know that chick you're fucking has Herpes!"

I heard commotion and quickly ran up the stairs silently laughing. I placed my hand on the doorknob pulling it open and inhaling the fresh air. I opened my clutch and pulled out a cigarette and lighting it quickly. As I inhaled that puff of nicotine, I felt myself relaxing significantly.

I looked around for a spot to sit and noticed that I was not alone.

There, up on a corner ledge, a man sat smoking away with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is dressed entirely in black; black dress pants, black shirt with a undershirt beneath it, finished with a black suit jacket. I must say he pulls off the brooding musician very well. I wonder why he's all alone looking miserable.

He has the most unusual shade color of hair. It's like a dark bronze. What I liked most was that it's styled like he just had the most amazing sex.

Somehow that thought makes me incredibly jealous. Jealous of those girls that got to have him. I shake my head to clear the thoughts away. It's crazy of me to have these thoughts about someone I don't even know. I roll my eyes at myself and slowly make my way over to him.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you're thinking pretty hard about something," I said.

He looks up at me and I have to hold in my gasp. He has the deepest, dark green eyes I've ever seen.

While I'm distracted by his eyes, I don't notice right away that he is hesitant to talk to me. Well I'm not going to hang out where I'm not wanted.

I held my hands up.

"I don't bite. It's okay, you don't have to talk to me." I murmur and started making my way back to the door.

"Wait!" he calls out. I pause. "I'm not used to people asking to talk to me. People usually want something from me. It gets tiring," he sighed.

I make my way back, thinking about what he said.

"Why would people ask you for things?" I ask confused. I couldn't come up with an answer no matter how many different scenarios I think about.

I inhaled another puff and turn back to face him. He is looking into my eyes, searching for who knows what. The intensity makes me blush and turn away. I guess he found what he wanted when he begins talking.

"My profession. I have no privacy these days. People wanting to know where I'm at all the time, asking for au-," he stutters, making me wonder what he was going to say, "my signature for endless papers. Sometimes I just want to run away from the world. Have you ever felt that way?"

I take a moment to think about it. I love my life in New York. It's my home. I have great family and friends and an amazing job that keeps me on my toes. Why would I want to leave?

"I can't say that I do." I sighed.

He takes a swig of what looks like ice tea and takes in the view of the city. It stirs up some memories that I thought I had forgotten.

"My dad, Charlie, and I would escape to the roof of our town home and name the constellations in the sky when I was a kid. It's one of my fondest memories of him. When we knew that a comet or meteor shower was going to happen, we'd make a camp on the roof; just the two of us." I sighed wistfully.

Ever since my dad was shot trying to save people during a bank robbery, I haven't been on a rooftop as much as I used to. It hurt too much. It wasn't in my plans to come on one tonight, but there was some sort of force drawing me to come tonight. I shook my head to rid the sad fogginess and catch that he's talking to me.

"I'm sorry. I was lost in memories. What did you say?"

He looks at me knowingly. "When did your dad pass away?" he asks quietly.

I gasped in surprise.

"He'll be gone seven years next Wednesday. He was killed in the line of duty." I murmur, looking at my feet.

"I'm sorry for your loss." he says. I nod. I was startled when I feel a warm hand on my face.

I looked up. He looked at me with concern and wiped under my eyes. I didn't even realize I was crying. Embarrassed, I nervously laugh and apologize.

"No need to apologize,-" he laughes. I frown, confused as to why he's laughing. He sees my confusion and directs a crooked grin at me. "We're having a deep conversation and we don't even know each others name."

He's right. We've been talking for nearly half an hour and we didn't introduce ourselves. I've never talked so openly about my father with a stranger before.

I turn to look at him and we bust out laughing on how ridiculous we are. Who does this?

He catches his breath and holds his hand out. "Hello, my name is Edward."

I reach out and clasp his hand. "I'm Bella Swan and it's a pleasure to meet you Edward."

I swear I hear him sigh contently when I say his name, though it could've been the wind.

"You know, I've never seen a sky so clean and clear you can see the stars. Everywhere I travel to the city lights are in the way." I gape at him. He nods sheepishly. "I know, sad huh?"

I shake my head no. "Sad, no. Cheated, yes. You're totally missing out. I personally believe that everyone should at least experience that once."

As I say this, I come up with the perfect plan.

"What if you can have that tonight?" I asked excitedly?

He frowns. "What do you mean?"

I sighed, frustrated that he's not understanding what I'm saying, which is killing my buzz.

"I mean, what if I take you to the spot my father and I would gaze at the stars?" I asked.

His beautiful green eyes opened wide in excitement.

"Really?" he asks, nearly acting like an excited Alice. Oh snap! Alice.

I nod and then grab my phone from my clutch. It's been almost an hour since I last talked to Alice.

I groan. Edward's face fell with my groan.

"What's wrong?" he asked warily.

"Before I came out here, I told my friend Alice that I would be back from smoking in half an hour. According to my phone, I've been out here for over an hour."

He "Aha'd" and then is silent. We both jump when my phone starts ringing.

"Don't stop, make it pop

DJ blow my speakers up

Tonight, I'mma fight

'Til we see the sunlight

Tick tock, on the clock

But the party don't stop

Woah-oh oh oh

Woah-oh oh-"

I quickly answer the phone. "Hello?" I ask breathlessly.

"Bella! Where the hell are you?" Alice yells into the phone. I winced. Alice has a loud high voice that doubles in volume when she's scared or mad, which she's currently both.

"Alice!" I call out. She's lecturing me on protocols and tell me that she had already called the station to put out an APB. Apparently in her worried condition, she forgot that you can't report a person missing until they've been gone for twenty-four hours.

"Alice!" I try again. I hear her pause, breathing heavily. "Alice honey, I am so so sorry. I'm still on the roof-"

"Roof?" she exclaimed. "What are you doing on the roof?"

I sigh, scrubbing my face with my free hand. "Alice, I told you when I was leaving that I was going to smoke on the roof. Did you not hear a word I said?"

She sighs. "Yes, I did Bella. You said that you were going to the bar to get another coke."

And there it was. "Was I drinking coke tonight?" I ask exasperated.

"Ooh, well no, but-"

"If I wasn't drinking that, why would I get another?" I interrupt.

"Bellllaaaa," she whines. I chuckled. I saw in the corner of my eye that Edward was listening to the conversation though he was trying to be sneaky about it.

"How drunk are you, Alice?"

She giggled. "Just a tad."

"Is Jasper drunk? Where is he? Where are you?" I was trying to hear sounds in the background to figure out where she's at. I can hear the same music I can from the club, so I'm guessing that she's in the bathroom or Rose's office.

"He wasn't drinking." I could hear the pout in that sentence. "Says that he 'needs to be sober'. Blah blah blah." She hiccuped before giggling.

"Alice," I said firmly, "where are you and Jasper?"

"Jasper's talking to Emmett and I'm in," hiccup, "their office." I sigh, immediately relaxing. I'm glad that Jasper has her safe.

"Well you get some sleep, okay?" I ask. She said okay before hanging up.

"Everything okay?" I startled slightly at Edward's question.

"Sorry. Yes, everything is fine. Alice, my best friend, is a bit too drunk and misheard where I said I was going and got worried." I shook my head in awe of Alice and let out a small laugh.

"So," I start. He looked at me curiously. I smiled. "Are you ready to see some stars?"


An hour later, we found ourselves standing in the driveway outside my Dad's empty house.

My parents had divorced a year before the shooting. I wasn't close with my mom, so I decided to stay with dad. He needed me more and it's not like she begged or asked me to go with her. She moved to Florida for who knows what reason.

Six months later, she met a lawyer named John McCallister. Supposedly it was 'love at first sight'. Four months later they got married. I was hurt and angry that she moved on so fast.

When Dad died, she assumed that I would go live with her. I threw the biggest tantrum when she told me to pack my bags. I had just lost my father. I was not going lose the only home I've ever known.

That was when Alice's parents stepped in saying that Charlie had his will updated and they were now my legal guardians. Renee was outraged that Charlie did that without discussing with her. I was just glad I didn't have to leave.

Also in the will was that I was left everything; his pension, money in the back, and a house that was completely paid for. Alice's parents tried to get me to agree to let them rent out the house but I couldn't.

It was my home and the thought of strangers living in my house... I couldn't stand it. So for seven years, it's been empty except for the times that I had the courage to visit the house. Those visits were extremely short and not enjoyable. I couldn't even make it up the stairs to the roof.

"So what's this place?" Edward asked, curiously taking in the wilting house. The once bright colored shudders were barely hanging on, the paint on the house was fading, and the yard needed a trim like virgin hoohah. I was ashamed that I couldn't be stronger and keep my house in shape.

"T-this is m-my Dad's house." I stuttered out. Edward grabbed my hand and held tightly when I started to shake.

"Hey it's okay, Bella." he said quietly. "We don't have to have to do this."

When he said that, I shook my head. "No. If I don't do this now, I won't ever get over it." I took in a deep breath and pulled Edward towards the front door. As I opened the door, the scent of home filled my nose.

I inhaled breath after breath and memory after memory flew to the surface of my brain. I was home. A sob broke through and tears ran down my face. Edward was startled at my sob and I could tell that he was panicking; not knowing what to do to help me. That made me laugh.

"Edward," I giggled. "These aren't sad tears. They're happy." I smiled.

Edward's eyes sparkled as he moved to embrace me. I hugged him back just as tightly as he did.

"Yeah?" he asked hopefully. I nodded, a grin breaking through. "I am so happy for you."

I started thinking back on how this accomplishment never happened before. Every time over the years that I tried to make it past the driveway and then the stairs, I failed each time. The only difference from each failed attempt was Edward.

"Edward, if I hadn't had some kind of force leading me to the roof tonight where I met you, I don't think that I'd ever have could have made it through the door without you." I said honestly. "So thank you."

He was quiet for a while. I looked up curiously and saw that he was blushing just like I did earlier and his eyes were shining with unshed tears. It was adorable.

"Awe you're blushing?" I teased. His face got even redder. I lightly pinched his cheek and laughed when he swatted my hand away.

"Yes, I'm blushing." he reluctantly admitted. "No one has ever said those kind of words to me before."

I was shocked. How could no one talk to him like that? His very presence makes me stronger. Surely I'm not the only one that noticed what a great motivator he is. I opened my mouth to respond when he interrupted me.

"So... are you ready for your next milestone?" he asked. I frowned in confusion when it hit me.

I gulped, nodding and started pulling Edward up the stairs. Getting to the attic was the coolest part when I was kid. Who am I kidding? It's still the coolest. Our attic has one regular entrance and one secret.

I pulled us through my childhood room and opened my closet door.

"Um, Bella? Are you trying to get me to play "Seven Minutes in Heaven" with you?" Edward asked nervously.

I laughed. "No, Edward. Now hush and enjoy the journey."

I kneeled on the floor and motioned for Edward to do the same. I reached into the far right side of the closet and felt along the wall for the partition. When I felt it, I slid it to the side so the entryway was showing.

"Wow," I heard Edward whispered. I smiled, glad that I can share this with him. I started to head into the secret passageway when Edward started talking again.

"Seriously? We're going into the wall? Is it safe? What if we fall into a tunnel and get trapped inside because no one knows where we are? What if-"

I turned around and glared at him.

"Edward, would my dad ever let me do something that would harm me? His only daughter in the world?" I asked rhetorically.

"Um, no?" he asked sheepishly. I shook my head and continued. A couple minutes later we were able to stand and climb the small black winding staircase. Each time it creaked, Edward would pause and frantically grab the railings.

We finally made it to the attic twelve minutes later. A path that should've taken three minutes. I never would've guessed that 'Edward mystery last name' would be afraid of tunnels. Even if the stairs fell apart, it's not like it was a long fall anyways.

Edward was in awe as he took in the room. My dad and I made the attic a very special place. Since we used the attic for mostly a hideaway to see the stars, why not use that as a theme to decorate?

There were glow in the dark stars place all over the ceiling. Posters displaying constellations, planets and their moons, and how to tell the difference between star clusters, nebulae, and the distances in between.

On the bookshelf, there are many books about galaxies, planets, moons, on anything you could imagine that you'd need to know how to find constellations in the sky. And there was my favorite part; the telescopes and binoculars. It's an Astrologist's wet dream in here.

I walked to the table and opened the box to start assembling the telescope.

"Edward, I'd like you to meet Starry." I said as I brought out the lens part of the telescope.

"You named your telescope?" Edward asked.

"Hey," I said defensively. "I was seven when my dad first bought it. It made sense at the time and the name just stayed."

He laughed and held his palms up. "I'm not judging. It's cute." I blushed and finished putting the telescope together. I looked into the lens and adjusted it.

I cleared my throat. "Are you ready?" I asked. I laughed as Edward excitedly made his way over.

I directed him on how to look through it and move the scope around so he could see more.

"Woah!" he exclaimed. "Wait... is that pot it the sky?"

"Nope. Is it a big pot or small?" I questioned.

"Um, I think it's big. Do you know what it is?"

"Yep." He looked up and raised his eyebrows. I smiled in return. "What you saw is 'The Big Dipper'."

"No way."

"Way," I laughed. "If you turn the lower dial six times to the left and the high dial four times to the right, you'll be able to see 'Orion's Belt'."

"Oh! That totally reminds me of Men In Black. You know, the name of the cat owned by the guy that turned out to be operated by a tiny Alien." Edward murmured looking into the telescope.

I gaped at him and then a snort escaped at the realization that this sexy, hot guy is a closeted Sci-Fi lover. The saying is so true; you can't judge a book by its cover.

Edward continued to be in awe with the telescope and how many things he could find adjusting the dials and moving the scope in a different direction. I stood to the side watching silently at the scene. Edward was so down in the dumps when I first met him tonight. Such a complete turnaround from a few hours ago.

"How did you like it?" I asked.

Edward took a step back from the telescope and turned to face me.

"How did I like it?" he repeated, running a hand through his hair. "It was amazing. I never knew what I was missing out. Tomorrow I'm going to order all I need to know about astronomy. Just you watch, soon I'll know more than you." he said, finishing with a wink.

I giggled and shook my head. When I did that, Edward got a strange look in his face and slowly made his way over to me.

"Bella? Can I kiss you? Every time you smile or laugh, my heart flutters. I've been wanting to kiss you all night." he whispered, caressing my cheek.

I gasped at the sensation, instinctively closing my eyes. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, looking straight into his eyes and nodded.

As he leaned towards me, I closed my eyes and tilted my head up in anticipation. When people say that they could feel electricity running in their blood when they kiss their soul mate, I thought it was bogus. In this moment, I found myself totally wrong.

Our lips moved tentatively together as they met for the first time before gaining momentum. He sucked my bottom lip making me moan. Damn, that felt good. I haven't had a good kiss like this since... well ever.

I gasped in surprise when I felt his tongue tracing my bottom lip. He used that moment to slip in his tongue. We groaned in unison as our tongues tangled together.

After a while I had to break away to breathe. Edward was undeterred as he just moved to kissing my neck. Where I'm ticklish. I reflexively shove him back while giggling.

"I'm sorry, Edward. It's just that I have the worlds worst case of ticklish areas." I admitted. It really was a pain in the ass to be this ticklish. Alice and Jasper loved to abuse the knowledge to get me to bend to their wills.

"You're ticklish?" Edward asked, a devious grin forming on his face as he moved closer to be. I immediately started to move backwards for each step he took.

"Don't you dare Edward-" I stopped mid sentence when I realized that I didn't know his last name. "Edward, I just realized that I don't know your last name."

I saw his eyes widen in shock and heard him gulp. Why doesn't he want me to know his last name? It's not like I'm going to stalk him or anything. Or what if it's not even about me? What if he's hiding something?

I gasped. What if he was a killer. Oh my God. I just kissed a killer!

He must've saw my panic when I saw him move forward. I shook my head and moved to the other side of the room.

"Na uh. Who the hell are you? Are you a killer?" I started off strong but ended up squeaking the question out.

Edward had frowned when I began questioning him and then busted out laughing at the end. That really pissed me off. I glared at him and he stopped laughing when he saw.

"Bella, that is ridiculous. My last name is Cullen, making my full name Edward Cullen."

I frowned as a memory tried to break through, but it was like I was looking through a fog. Why does that name combo sound so familiar? I know I've never met him before. I could never forget seeing those green eyes in person.

"Edward Cullen? Why does that sound familiar?" I questioned aloud. Edward fidgeted as he opened and closed his mouth like he had something to say but had trouble getting it out.

"Edward?" I called out after he had been silent for five minutes.

"Bella? Have you ever seen or heard about a movie called 'He's Just Not Listening to You'?" I tilted my head to the side as I thought about it. Alice had begged me to go see it with her. She was going crazy about this new actor. Apparently he just showed up out of nowhere and was causing quite a stir in Hollywood.

Alice said that I would get hypnotized by his deep green eyes and his bronze sex... hair.

What the fuck?

I pointed to Edward and was probably gaping like a fish. I couldn't believe that I just made out with Edward Cullen the movie star!

"Hey! You lied to me." I exclaimed. What is it about men and their freaking lies?

"No I didn't. Well it was omission and an accident." I rolled my eyes, "When I realized that you didn't recognize me, it felt great to be a regular person. You have no idea how much I craved that. Everywhere I go, people crowd to get a picture taken with me or ask for an autograph."

My face soften at those words.

"From here on out, can you promise not to lie or lie by omission?" I asked.

He looked relieved when I asked that question. Yeah I bet anyone else would've been angrier about it, but I totally understood where he was coming from. People these days get crazy.

"I mean it, Edward. I really hate liars and would hate to beat you up." I teased. He nodded frantically which made me giggle. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. What about you?"

He was saved from answering when his stomach let out a loud roar. Edward blushed and nodded sheepishly.

"Well I'm guessing that we can't go out to eat since it's late and people may recognize you. So how about we go to my apartment and I cook dinner?" I suggested.

"Can I help out too?"

I looked at him in disbelief. "You can cook?"

He scoffed. "Of course I can cook. I bet I can cook better than you." he said arrogantly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge Mr. Cullen?" Edward's eyes darkened at the name. He nodded slowly.

"I'll race you to my apartment!" I yelled as I quickly made my way to the normal entrance to the attic.

"Cheater!" I heard from behind. "I don't even know where you live!"

I laughed. "It's just down the street and don't forget to lock up." I called out as I made my way down the stairs.

If he's this competitive on racing, I can't wait to really test out his competitiveness.


A/N: Thanks for reading! If you loved it, please vote for me starting on February 13, 2011 on the profile link I provided at the top.

I want to give a big thanks to my amiga, maxandmo for betaing in a hurry.

The Geek to the Rescue: Love Style

Geekward Shuffle Challenge

Pen Name: babylopez2008

Link to FFnet Profile: www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/~babylopez2008

Song Title: She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd

Story Title: The Geek to the Rescue: Love Style

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, but I own some merchandise

Summary: Edward and Bella went out in Jr. High, but the summer before High School, Bella changed and dumped Edward, but of course geek Edward will not give up that easy.

(No lemon, though the idea is there)

EPOV Jr High- 8th Grade

Eighth grade is going awesome for me. I have my Star Wars memorabilia on a high shelf in my room protected by a clear case. It look me a few years to get all the movies in mint condition, a few action figures- not dolls as my brother Emmett calls them-, a lunch box that has Han Solo's starship and a thermos with R2-D2 and C3PO, plus a lot of other things that you could imagine that a Star Wars Fanatic would have around.

No one is allowed in my room without me or my permission first. Once Emmett came into my room and went straight to the light sabers. Luckily, I caught him mid swing and yelled for Mom while kicking him out of my room.

After that, I had a security system installed. The only way it could open is with my hand print pressed in the gel like substance. It's one way to keep Emmett out of my room and keep my belongings safe.

Now I am not your average "geek" as some people call me. Even though I like Star Wars and wear glasses like Clark Kent, I don't actually have the geek body. Of course I am starting to grow into myself, I have been taking Karate Classes and work out at the gym in our basement a couple times a week.

I still look lanky, but there is some muscles there that will start to grow in a couple of years.

But those are not really important. My girl, Bella Swan, is. I met her in the third grade when Tyler Crowley started picking at me because of my glasses and started calling me names. He had just came up to me and pushed me off the swing, making me lose my glasses in the process.

I couldn't see anything except blurry shapes. I heard a commotion and turned my head.

"Pick on someone that is bigger than you, Tyler! Leave him alone. He didn't do anything to you" a sweet voice yelled.

"So, he's a geek and a geek gets picked on and bullied on. I'm the bully." Yeah I could see the smug grin on his face after he said that.

"Oh, is that so Mr. Crowley?"

Someone handed me my glasses and I put them on. When I looked up, my eyes met a pair of concerned brown eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" she asked. I was still staring at her when she was snapping her fingers in my face. "Hello, can you hear me?"

"Huh? Oh.. y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks." I stuttered. "Where's Tyler?" I looked around.

"Oh, you know how he said he was the bully?" she paused as I nodded. "Well Mrs. Hilburn heard all that and took him to the Principles office. Hopefully he'll get ISS for a long time." She told me. I hope so too.

"Thanks for helping me." I looked at her again and realized how beautiful her mahogany hair is.

"Yeah, no problem. I hate it when he tries to get his way." She said. Then she had a shocked look on her face. "Oh! I didn't tell you my name. Ha, silly me. My name is Bella Swan. What's yours?"

"E-edward Cullen," I chocked out.

"Well Edward Cullen, I'll see you around." She said and walked off towards the school building.

After that, we started hanging out at recess time and each school year we'd managed to get the same teacher and would sit next to each other in class too.

It wasn't till the 7th grade that I finally got the courage to kiss her on her cheek and asked her out to dinner and to the movies afterwards.

She said, "I would love to Edward. See you then," and then kissed me on the edge of my lips.

I gasped and she giggled before walking to lunch.

Three months later and we were an official couple. Some people didn't understand why she was with me, but I did. She saw the real me and I saw the real her. At school she's all confident and acts like she doesn't care sometimes, but she is almost as competitive as me with grades. But I didn't care. Besides, she looks like a ferocious kitten trying to attack me.

Every time I piss her off she glares at me, and I can't help but chuckle at her and then she lunges at me which sometimes makes me land on the floor. She starts growling at me and then I start tickling her.

After we catch our breaths, we turn to each other our eyes smoldering and leaned towards each other and met with a kiss.

God, how I love her kisses. Her lips are like soft pillows that pull me in each time. She pulled in my top lip between hers and bites down gently. I moaned and that triggered something in her.

She's already straddling my waist and grinds her hot center against my own growing part. I froze but she keeps moving making the greatest sensation.

"B-bella?" I call to her. But she ignores me and moves to kiss down my neck. I move my hands to her waist and still her movements. She looks up curiously. Her eyes filled with lust.


"What are you doing?" I squeaked out.

"Oh, we're just making out and moving around a bit." She said as she moved her hips again.

I groaned. "Bella... um.. I've never been this close to a girl before." I retorted and blushed.

"I haven't either. I'm just going along as to what feels good. Why? Did you want to stop?" She said as she sat up and moved up father from my swelling body part.

"I don't know." I admitted. "I've never felt that way before. What do you think? But I'm not ready for the whole event." I said and whispered the last part.

She giggled. Oh now I just embarrassed myself. I tried to get up but she kept me down.

"Silly Edward. It's called "sex". Say it with me." I copied her but I still stuttered and blushed.

"Okay, that's enough practice today. So.. did you want to continue?" She asked in a hopeful voice.

"Above the clothes?" I asked to clarify. If it was more, I would hyperventilate and the would be bad, very bad.

"Yeah.. till we're ready for more." I nodded as she slowly moved down straddling again making our parts almost join together if the clothes were gone.

We both groaned as I felt the heat from her, and she felt my body saying hi to her.

She slowly started swaying her hips and grinding on me. It was delicious torture. Suddenly she did something that made me thrust up into her, causing us to both moan and stop and stare at each other.

We liked it.

So when she would do that, I would thrust up towards her.

Oh the sensations from that one movement. We continued till there was something that was starting to burn in my lower belly. It felt like I was going to lose control of something.

"Do you feel that?" I panted as I kept thrusting against her in a crescendo sort of way and she rocked her hips.

"Mmhmm" she moaned. As the feeling was getting stronger, I flipped her on her back and started thrusting harder and faster.

"Oh, God, keep doing that." She moaned louder. I kissed her harder to drown out her moans in case someone heard us from two floors down.

I felt her tense and breathe out shakily as she started to slow her movements down. I kept going till I could reach my release. I was starting to get more drenched in my sweat, as I felt the burning start again in my lower belly. I felt and heard Bella moan out my name with her second release.

"Come, Edward" Bella whispered in my ear. "Let go... now" she said strongly and I commanded and groaned her name while collapsing against her trying to catch my breath.

After a few minutes, I felt her scratching my head and I moved off of her a bit so she wouldn't feel my weight on her as much.

"How was that?" I asked her. I was nervous about her answer. Was it bad? I really hope that she felt the strong connection that I did.

"It was... amazing. My friends they told me all about it but I didn't understand what they were talking about. But now... if that was with clothes on can you imagine how it would feel without them?"

I thought about it and I could. I didn't answer, but my my body part that was already hardening at the thought answered for me and Bella felt it.

She looked down towards my blushing face.

"I guess that's a yes." She said as she giggled a bit and I tightened my arms around her and hugged her.

After that night, we would explore each other's bodies. Hey could you blame us? We were curious teenagers and wanted to see how our bodies would react if we did something.

While doing that, we became closer. I'm pretty sure I fell in love with her. How could I not? She knows the real me and is still with me. She's beautiful inside and out. My family loves her just as I do.

Now if I can get a freakin grip and tell her.

Summer before Freshman Year

Ever since I realized that I loved her, I've been thinking of ways to tell her how I feel about her. Some ideas were really out there and not us.

I got so desperate for ideas, I went to Emmett. After hearing his answer, I don't know why I asked him in the first place. He told me, "Nah they don't like all that fancy shumancy things. Just take her to the Pizza Ria and when you're making out in the back seat tell her and get busy. That's how I told Rosie. Oh and she got so happy that she started to -"

"Okay! I get it. Thanks, Emmett." I said as I tried to get away before he could start any mental pictures in my brain.

I ended up deciding to take her to our favorite Italian restaurant in Seattle. Once we're eating, a Pianist will play our favorite song, The Girl with the Flaxen Hair, by Debussy at a piano a few feet away.

We showed up at 6:45, when the reservation I made was at 7:00. I checked in and the Host told me that my table will be ready in a few minutes.

I turned around and saw Bella overlooking the ocean view from the large window. She looked breathtaking in her dark blue dress that was just perfect on her and showed off her figure.

I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her. She sighed with content and leaned back into me.

"The host said it would be a few minutes before our table is ready. So are you having fun so far?" I asked, whispering in her ear making her shiver. I grinned at that.

"Yes, I am. It's so beautiful out here, you know?" She says as she looks out at the view again. But I'm looking at her when I answer.

"I agree. Totally breathtaking." She looks up then and notices me staring at her and not at the view and blushes.

"Oh my god, that was really corny, Edward." She giggled.

I chuckled as well.

"What can I say? I love those cheesy lines." She nods and I lean in to kiss her chastely and then the host calls out my name and tell us the table is ready.

We sat down and ordered our favorite meals. I ordered the Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and Bella ordered the Spaghetti with meatballs.

As we ate, the pianist starts playing our song and Bella gasps in recognition. I look up at her and see her wonder. I nodded and smiled and earned a huge smile from her and continued to eat and talk during the soothing music.

Once we finished, I had a medium sized Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate syrup ordered.

"Bella.. I umm.. wanted to tell you something tonight. Can you hear me out before you say something?" I asked her while looking into her soulful eyes. She nodded while looking at me curiously.

"Since you and I started going out, we've become closer relationship wise and knowing almost everything about each other. You're my best friend and I can't imagine how my life would be like if you were not here with me." I paused and took a deep breathe. "Bella... I love you. I love you with my whole heart. Now I know you might not fe-"

She cut me off as she came around the table and kissed me with a deep passion. At first I was shocked but then returned the kiss with equal force.

We parted and I looked up at Bella.

"Edward, I love you too." I smiled so big. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. I kissed her again and asked the waiter, who just arrived, to put the the brownie in a to-go box.

Bella knew what I was somewhat planning and nodded eagerly. I paid the check and we took off to my empty house and headed up to my room where we knocked into my life sized Darth Vader, who said "I am your Father."

I groaned of embarrassment and Bella just laughed and kissed me on the lips.

I walk her backwards till we fell on my bed. Thankfully, I finally got tired of kid like bed sheets and went for something more adult like. It would be horrendously awkward for this moment if the race cars were on it.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask her as I caress her cheek. She nods and we started to slowly take off our clothes and kiss or touch each other in between.

We slipped under the covers. I grabbed a condom that I stole from Emmett's room. Like he'll notice one missing. I swear that he has all different kinds in the drawer.

I put the condom on my hard member. At first I was having trouble putting it on. After a few tries I got it on. I hovered over her and asked her if she was ready and she nodded and I pushed in slowly and started making sweet love to the one that hold my heart.

Freshman Year (First Day of High School)

Today starts the first day of Hell. Want to know why? Well part of it is that I lost my love. Bella has went away for the second part of the summer with Jessica and Lauren to some beach near Mexico. It was a sudden plan and Bella really wanted to go.

I kissed her good-bye at her house as her parents drove her to the airport.

I didn't hear from her till a couple weeks later when she wrote me a letter saying that we should take a break and figure out who we really are and who we could become. Even with all my intelligence, I still could not understand that.

We were to happy before she left. What made her change? Lauren and Jessica. I always knew they didn't like me and a few times they tried to break up Bella and I. They must've have brainwashed her or something.

My Bella would not believe that we were not good together or whatever she wrote in the letter. Even though we're young, I know she is the one for me and no one will ever make me feel the way she does.

I'll get you back Bella, even if it's the last thing I do. I won't give up on us that easy.

So after a couple of weeks of weeping, I started thinking of how I could get her back. We had love and passion that was strong. Passion was like strong emotions: hate, love, lust. How can I get Bella to feel that again?

Remember when I said that we were very competitive and her kitten anger? How about that mixed in with annoyance and determination? I say that I'm on the way to getting my love back.

I'm guessing what the "Blond Bimbos" told Bella was that we were together too long and that she needed to grow without me and that I was holding her back from full Popularity. Bella never really liked it, but she did tell me once that she wanted to feel people looking up to her and she wanted to be like a role model to younger kids that were just like us when we were their age. But somehow they turned her pure thought into something they would want.

Jessica and Lauren are the most attention grubbing girls in our school. They would do anything to reach the top. Including using people to get there. I just know they are using my Bella like that and she does not deserve that at all.

Operation: Rescue Bella from evil blonds is in commence!

December (Freshman Year)

So far so good. Basically what I've been doing is pissing off my love and the dumb blonds. I even got them to yell that they hate me. When that happened, I saw a flash of anger towards them in Bella's eye before she shook it away. It's pretty easy to make them mad. For instance, at lunch I'll sit with them and start talking to them. Bella would shyly acknowledge me and would try to start talking to be, but Lauren would just send us glares and tell me to leave.

I tell her no I am not leaving, and this time I ask her about how Mike was at the party last night. Oh, I forgot to mention that Jessica and Mike were almost an official couple and were going to "come out" at school tomorrow. They were seriously meant for each other: his annoying mouth won't stop opening and he'll just talk about everything, which matches up with Jessica's need to talk and gossip. But anyways, in gym class before lunch I heard him gloating how Jessica was grounded and couldn't go to the party so he went solo.

He ran into Lauren and they hung out together. After getting pretty drunk, one thing led to another and she gave him a blow job. I don't know what happened next since I heard all of what I needed to hear to piss them off and left to shower before the bell rang for lunch.

Lauren paled and started saying that I was wrong and to stop making up lies. I turned to Jessica who looked like she was starting to get angry, and told her I just heard Mike in the locker room gloating. I also gave her the info of what I heard and I could see that her heart was breaking.

I hated to do it, but for her sake and Bella's it needed to be done.

Jessica stood up and walked to where Lauren was seated and slapped across her face. It must've hurt bad since it echoed and noise in the cafeteria ceased.

"You are not my best friend. A best friend would not mess with my boyfriend behind my back and deny it in front of my face." Tears started rolling down her face, but she didn't move to wipe them. "Lauren you are a backstabbing slut and I hope you and Mike burn in hell." And she walked towards the double doors as they opened to reveal Mike.

Jessica moved so fast that Mike didn't have a chance to block. She slapped him on the face and kneed him in the balls.

"Try using that now, you pathetic excuse of a man. I don't know what I ever saw in you. Plus you never got me off anyways. I faked it and had to finish it off myself."

Lots of people "oohed" at him and he did his best to run out of the cafeteria.

I turned to look at a shocked Bella.

"Love, do you think all this drama is worth being popular for stupid reasons? You are so better than them. Please come back to me and be the real Bella and not this Bella that the bimbos made." I pleaded.

I could see her thinking about it. I think that I finally got through to her when tears started flowing from her eyes.

She sniffed and looked at me.

"You're so right Edward. I don't know what I was thinking when I became closer to Jessica and Lauren. I want to change. I never want to be like them. That's not what I wanted at all. I can't believe that I didn't see what they were doing to me this whole time. I'm sorry, Edward. I know that you might hat-"

I stopped her by putting my finger on her lips. She furrowed her eyebrows and I chuckled.

"Bella love, I could never hate you. I knew something had happened when you went away with them before school started. I was not going to let you go that easily. You're my life, Bella."

I smiled at her and lent forward to kiss her.

My lips were barely touching hers when I asked her to be my girlfriend again. She said yes and we kissed our passion filled kiss.

When we broke apart, I pulled up my cooler and took out the dessert from the restaurant where our love was declared.

"Is that Brownies and Ice Cream?" She asked excitedly. I nodded and she squealed and kissed me again.

"How did you get it here without melting?"

I told her that Esme dropped it off when the lunch bell rang and that I had a feeling that I might get my love back again today and asked her to bring that to school around this time.

Bella had tears in her eyes.

"I love you Bella. Forever and Always."

"I love you too Edward. Forever and Always"